Chapter 55

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Finley's POV:

I squirm around for about 5 minutes trying to hold my piss in. Yeah, that's not working very well. What if i can go to the bathroom really quick.. use it and then go back in the corner before he comes back.

I don't want to risk it. But I'm not peeing in this damn diaper.

I heard the door open and here come dancing footsteps.

I turn my head and see Ameer, he's just smiling like crazy.

"Aw what's wrong smalls?" Ameer said mockingly.

"I- I really need to use the ba-bathroom." I said stuttering a little bit.

"Then just use it ya dumbass, you have a diaper on for a reason." Ameer said, I thought he would be better support.

"I'm not using a damn diaper, Ameer." I said through clenched teeth.

This only made him smile widely.

"Fine then.. guess I just have to make you-" as soon as Ameer said that he ran straight towards me and tackled me to the ground.

He started pressing down on my bladder hard.. REALLY FUCKING HARD.

"AMEER GET OFF ME- PLEASE AMEER NO!" I screamed at him as hot tears made there way down my face.

I tried to fight him off me but he took my hands with his hands and held them above my head.

He started pressing his foot on my bladder.


He just laughed menacingly.. I can see the full blown craziness in his eyes. I was scared.. Really scared.

Daddy and Uncle Orion came upstairs and once they saw the scene they jumped into action.

My bladder gave out and I actually pissed myself- I think it was because I was scared to.. Let's just say it was because I was scared.

I was a crying, sobbing, snotty mess. Ameer didn't care, he just stood there and laughed hard.

I- I thought he was my f-friend..

I cried harder..that was really cruel.

"You're welcome Uncle Angelo." Ameer giggled out.

Daddy looked confused, but once his eyes met mine he knew what happened.

He rushed me into the bathroom and quickly took the diaper off.

"I'm so so sorry bubba." Daddy repeated this like 18,000 times.

He turned the water on in the bathtub and placed me in it.

I didn't have the energy left in me to even care anymore. I've been completely stripped of everything. My freedom, my family, my dignity, my respect, HELL even my friends- I HAD ONE Y'KNOW?

Daddy just gave me a bath without saying anything.

Once he was done he dried me off and did the usual diaper routine but this time he put me in a footsie.

It had a hood so I'm not complaining.

He picked me up and put a paci in my mouth.

When we got out of the bathroom Ameer and Uncle Orion were nowhere to be found.

"Do you wanna go downstairs and play with the doggy's?" Daddy asked.. I just nodded my head, they always make me feel better.

Daddy carries me down stairs and I hear a spanking sound.

I didn't even flinch when I heard it, he knew what he did was wrong and now he has to face the consequences of his actions.

When we got downstairs I saw Sophia and Marco rubbing the dogs, but once they say me they came rushing towards me.. Well Rocco limped.

I just tiredly giggled at them.. I was rolling around with them until I heard footsteps.

"I-I'm rwlly sowwy Fwnley." I hear Ameer sob out.

Was he in little space..? I took one look in his eyes and saw a little sparkle.. Yeah he's in little space-

He looks.. different in little space.

I looked in his eyes again- I could tell he was sorry... I can't be mean to him in little space.

I just half smiled at him and nodded.

I'm still mad at him, but I'll forgive him sooner or later.

He didn't really like my answer- he threw himself onto me and started crying like crazy.

"I SOWWYYYYY PWEASEEEE FORGIVW MEEEEEE!" He sobbed out. He was hugging me desperate for a hug back..

Uncle Orion was about to come over until daddy stopped him.

I hesitantly hugged him back.. "It's okay Ameer." I said quietly.

He looked up at me with his big teary eyes.. and he smiled- he genuinely smiled.. It wasn't creepy- it was..nice? It was a pure smile.

I like him better in little space.

I smiled back at him and he just blubbered.

He can be really cute sometimes.

"Alright c'mon Ameer, you have some paper to write on." Uncle Orion said.. Ameer just frowned deeply- wait no.. I wanted to look at his smile more.

"Wait- Uncle Orion.. Ple-please don't punish him.. I forgive him.. I don- I don't think you should punish him if I forgive him.." I said to Uncle Orion who just smiled down at me.

He sighed and looked at Ameer.

"If you ever and I mean ever do something like that again you won't be able to sit for a month. Do you hear me little boy." Orion said to Ameer.

"Yes Papa.." Ameer said as he looked down at his feet.

"Good boy, go play with Finley." Uncle Orion said as he gave a kiss on top of Ameer's curly hair.

Ameer just came wobbling over to me.

"Whatcha wanna play?"

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