Chapter 56

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Finley's POV:

"Whatcha wanna play?" I asked Ameer who just squealed and ran over to the back door.

I sighed and went after him.

"We pway tag?" Ameer asked.. I nodded and tagged him.

We played for about 20 minutes until we decided to play hide and seek.

On the second round of hide and seek Uncle Orion came out and said it was time for lunch.

We hurried inside and I was attacked by a squealing Sophia.. She was pinching my cheeks and throwing me up in the air.

Ameer just stood there and watched.. Do they not get along?

She finally put me down when she acknowledged Ameer.

"Oh hey Ameer." She said dryly.

"Hello Sophia." He said, I think he's out of little space.

They gave each other cold looks then Ameer took off, maybe to find his daddy.

I went on the search for my Daddy to.

"He went to the store.. He went to go get some chocolate milk." Marco said sending me a smile.

I just nodded and went to go sit on the couch.

"Hey buddy, aren't you gonna come eat? I made chicken nuggets and fries." I heard Uncle Orion say..

"I'll just wait till Daddy get back." I said while looking at my hands.

He just nodded, he looked like he about to say something until he was cut off by a loud 'PAPA!' Coming from the kitchen.

He just chuckled and shook his head.

I waited for Daddy to come back, I don't want to eat without him.. Plus he's bringing chocolate milk.
After about 30 minutes of waiting I finally heard the front door open.

The dogs went rushing over to the front door and I heard Daddy's voice greet them.

I got up and ran over to the front door, and then jumped on Daddy.

He caught me.

"Hey Bubba." He said while tickling my sides.

"Me missed oo." I said as I snuggled my head in his neck.

"Aw I missed you to baby, did you eat yet? I know Uncle Orion made some chicken nuggies and French fries." Daddy asked..

"Nu uh, me waiteds for oo!" I said to him.

"Alright, let's go get you some chicken nuggets then." Daddy said as he carried me and the grocery bags over to the kitchen.

When we got in there we saw a frustrated Orion and a very happy Ameer eating away at some ice cream.

"Uh?" Daddy said drawing their attention towards us.

"He wouldn't eat unless I gave him ice cream after." Uncle Orion said with a frustrated groan.

"I see.." daddy chuckled out.

"I guess I am the more stern one." Daddy said as he nudged Uncle Orion.

"No, you are most definitely the soft one. You just have a good baby. Not a demonic one who uses puppy dog eyes to get whatever they want." Uncle Orion sighed as Ameer asked for more ice cream.

Daddy laughed as he set me on the ground and went to put the groceries up.

"Baby, do you want some chocolate milk with your meal?" Daddy asked me.

"Yes!" I screamed out, Daddy looked at me with that look- you know that look.. The look of all looks.. The horrifying look!

"Yes sir!" I screamed out again, he just smiled and continued making my food.

I just plopped down on the floor and hummed.

I felt a sticky hand poke my face when I turned and looked I saw a messy faced Ameer starting at me with ice cream oozing out him mouth.. um ew?

"Hewwo Fwnleyyyyyy!" Ameer squealed as he plopped down next to me and tried to touch me with his sticky ass hands.

"Ameer Vera!" I heard uncle Orion yell from upstairs.

Ameer just giggled and waddled away.

He's so weird.

Daddy came over and put the food on the table.

"Bubba, do you want ketchup or ranch?" Daddy asked me.

"Etchup." I said as I waddled over to the table eager to get the chocolate milk.

Daddy put some on the plate then he sat down in a chair.

He picked me up and placed me on his lap.

I immediately went for the milk- can you blame me?

"I ant um oo!" I heard a voice say from behind the chair.

I whip my heard around to see a sad looking Ameer standing there with ice cream still all over him... He even has it in his fucking hair-

I just hummed and smirked at him.

"Ameer Vera! I'm not going to tell you again to get up here now!" Uncle Orion shouted from upstairs, Ameer just pouted as he hobbled away.

I giggled and started eating my chicken nuggets.

Daddy ran his hands through my hair and started talking to me.

"You've been a good boy today baby, how about the rest of the day we can go and do whatever you want." Daddy said.

I just nodded and started playing with my chicken nuggets, making them fight with French fries like they were swords then make the ketchup the blood.

"Nah uh don't play with your food." Daddy said as he started feeding me the food.

A few moments later I heard tiny footsteps and squealing.

Here comes a butt naked Ameer and a frantic, angry Uncle Orion chasing him with a towel.

"AMEER VERA GET YOU BUTT OVER HERE NOW!" Uncle Orion shouted but Ameer just ran around the kitchen.

I just giggled... Wonder how he is so okay to being exposed infront of other people.

After about 5 minutes of Uncle Orion chasing Ameer around the kitchen he finally caught him and smacked him on his bare bum which made Ameer pout.

"Don't you dare pout at me. You're lucky I don't bust your bottom up right now. You know better then to run away from me. Now apologize to Uncle Angelo and Finley for distracting them from eating." Uncle Orion scolded Ameer.

"I sowwy Unclw Angwlo and Fwnley.." Ameer pouted out.

After that Uncle Orion took him upstairs, I'm assuming to resume the bath or to spank him.

I just sighed and continued eating, Daddy wouldn't let me feed myself so he just kept feeding me.

"Alright Bubba, what do you want to do?"

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