To the Open Seas

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Leaving the tower was... Hard. My kids were in tears as I left in the carriage, leaving to go back out to do my duty as a high ranking member. I had no idea when I would be back to wipe their tears from their faces. I missed them as soon as the carriage started rolling away from them. Little Susie's tears and Mina cutely clutching her doll of me when I told them I had to leave broke my heart. I had to harden myself, though. Their mothers would do the lion's share of raising them to be incredible people. No, I had to give them the foundation to spring from. Too many things were happening in the world.

I held onto myself even though I cried inside. It hurt so much as I left. Inside the carriage was my women. Emily was beside me with Mally on the other side. On the other side of Mally was Kate Across from me was Asahi and Trisha, Tina and Rose with the little bitch boy then last but not least was Betsy. I was surprised when Rose joined us, dragging her husband. However, it wasn't the fact that she brought her husband. No, I thought she needed to watch over the large company she made here.

She started to explain that while I was deep in meditation, she found a bunny-kin to take over and was a managerial talent. The backing of my family and my mother back in the silver moon tower was under complete lockdown. No one would dare fuck with her company in our territory. I shrugged and told her I was happy she was with us traveling. I felt melancholy as the carriages left the tower farther and farther as we went towards the coast. We would be going by boat the rest of the way as it would be the fastest way to the capital of the demon lands by over a week.

The carriage ride to the edge of the city was silent as sadness overtook me. I suddenly felt arms wrap around me. My eyes widened in surprise, and I saw Mally and Emily Embracing me. Soon everyone joined in, hugging me, and tears started to flow as I broke down crying about the kids I left behind, missing their cute faces. I continued to see their crying faces when I closed my eyes as I saw them when I left. My heart was heavy, and my shame real. I was a terrible father, and I was a terrible person. How many kids was I going to have soon? I don't even remember half of their names at this point. Hell, the more I think about it, the more a lament about it. I remember Susie and Mina as they have the deepest impression on me. I miss them all, but I felt like crap. I started to sob in their arms as the carriage took me farther away from them.

I was just held as I cried in the carriage. Soon we would reach the harbor, and we would set sail. Another journey was on its way, and I had to prepare, but I will let the tears flow for now.

I had no idea how long I cried as I was held in the arms of my women. Three of them were pregnant with my kids. I cried myself till the carriage stopped. I heard the sounds of the harbor around us. My women stopped hugging me, and I stood up. I used mana to make myself look immaculate and stepped outside as if nothing inside the carriage had happened.

I had cried. I shall now move forwards and fulfill my goal now of making a better world for my family. If I was to do that, I needed to move forward with a strong back to carry them forward. I will become the next ruler of the Silvermoon tower. I will go to war and kill those that will stop me. I will make each step reverberate throughout these lands and make others fear me. That was the minimum of what I had to do moving forward.

I straightened my spine, and my women followed behind me. The Galley laid in the bay stocked with everything needing to go towards the Capital of the Demon lands, Jambudvīpa. I watched as many Guards in robes from our military saluted with their right arm across their chest over their hearts where a fist lay with a small bow. I did the same pounding over my chest with my right fist, mimicking the soldiers' respectful salute. I walked up the gangplank onto the Galley. I was horrified by the backward galley, but I said nothing for now. All would be changed when I came into power. First, I must secure the homeland.

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