The Repacking

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I awoke several hours later hungry as my body required more nutrition. I looked inwards studying my condition with the little mana I had and froze at the damage my overtaxed muscles. I needed more nutrient bombs so I could heal this damage so I don't have a disability. I looked around myself and all my ladies were surrounding me. Em' Jumped into me aching arms and cried as she told me she was a failure. I patted her head and I held her. Mally was in the background pretending not to care but I saw muscles that were tightened and that needed a massage to loosen up. I looked at Kate who was crying with streams down her eyes. Tina was looked weird like she didn't know what to do with herself. I needed to look into it.

I got up and my body was sore from the damage. "What's wrong with you all? I was gone for a day trip or do all of you have so little faith in my abilities?" I asked two questions as they all thought I was going to die.

"Chelsea your injuries will make you disabled the doctors told us!" Em' exclaimed and I realized that the damage to my legs lead the doctors to believe that I destroyed my legs hurting them permanently and I laughed. I hated making them all sad for me but them listening to doctors on a person who sustained themselves on pure mana for weeks on end is a funny thing to me. They took a professional opinion though and I can't blame them for that.

The looks I got from them all with my laughing was furious but I took a moment to calm down. "You ladies think I will be disabled? Remember ladies I kept myself going and alive for weeks I wouldn't overclock my body this much if I didn't have a way to fix it. I made some nutrient bombs and I had them at the house since someone put me in a hospital gown can one of you hand me about five or six to start so I can start fixing what I fucked up?" They had a questioning look but Em' under my orders kept some on her at all times. She passed me six and I kissed her cheek and got a smile as I downed each of them. These things taste like charcoal but they work as I went into meditation and sped up the process of healing.

My muscles were torn in a bad way and I took my time stitching them back together. My mana body made this go a lot easier as the muscles respond better to the mana input than when I was first injured a year ago. I slowly weaved and regrew cells repairing my most injured areas using the generous amount of nutrients that I supplied to speed the process of years to seconds. I turned to Em' and asked for more nutrient bombs which I partook. This process went on for hours as I singled out and fixed my muscles one slowly but completely. I grew stronger instead of being injured by this overclocking of my body and after hours of self-repair, I had anticipated my body was back to about ninety percent. I needed my body to work out the chemicals and waste that this type of healing brought that would run through my system soon. I also needed real food to fill this temple.

I needed some time to reflect on this battle too and see my shortcomings. I looked up and hoped out of bed stretching my muscles to the ladies' amazement. They were extremely stiff and I looked at Kate. "Kate I need a massage tonight I will put you on that detail," I ordered and went back to making sure each muscle could move properly. "Well," I start drawing it out as I stretch again, "It's time to move somewhere!" I state with a smile at my ladies looking at each of them.

"About time Muscles are sore from camping here too long," Mally stated as she stretched her muscles and we all followed her out of to the reception area where doctors were gobsmacked at my recovery asking to do tests and whatnot. I rejected them and sent a message to the ambassador who was just walking in.

"Chelsea! You not only are alive you became my favorite women of the year! Let's get out and into the carriage, we will talk there." He started and moved with us following him closely. I entered into a nice fancy carriage with him and the ladies all filled it up.

"Your win over Baron although you told me was fantastic," He started again and the carriage started moving presumably towards the Embassy, "It was as surprising to us as it is to the Dwarf kingdom and they want you out of the kingdom as soon as possible. You already had your stuff at the embassy so we are taking you out of the kingdom the question is where do you want to go?" he looked at us and I was contemplating.

To the south was the Kingdom or Arlin a human adventurer kingdom with an aggressive neutral stance but I heard in my studies was that the humans there are racist against other races so I will stay away from there to the west another country more like the beast-kin nation that was a mix of tribes made by elves to the northeast was another nation of more primitive beast-kin and claim to be the birthplace of beast-kin. I didn't feel like going to be treated like less and I was drawn to elves like a good old ex gamer.

"Let's go west go check out the Forestry of the Elves," I stated and I heard a groan from Mally. "What?" I asked simply.

"Look Elves are pretty and all but there fucking uptight you will find it hard to fit in there." I tilted my head and prompted her to continue, "Look Chelsea they are stuck up and most live longer than most wizards live with mana enhancement themselves. They are a backward race that lives in the trees with more time then they know how to deal with. This leads to a small population of elderly people who look like them in their early thirties. They also refer to anyone our age as children and treat us with the appropriate words you would talk to a child doing. This pissed us demons off who at our top echelon are older than them to move across the continent after some wars with them to escape their insufferable attitudes they talk to others, not of their race with." She paused and sighed. "I went there to see if our history was true and although I will not say it's completely true I will say I couldn't talk one girl or man into bed with this body. I look fantastic with a bombing body," She showed off her curves and made some poses that I will admit made me want to fuck her hard. "But nope I found out while I was there they take 'Virtue' and Virginity to be a sign of purity and stride to only have one woman or man in their like bonding for a lifetime. What that actually does to them is make a majority of very pent up and unhappy couples in my opinion. Let us say we go be prepared to hear a lot of couple arguments."

I look at her and laugh, "We definitely are going now I want to fuck an elf till she cries out! I will make that a goal for the trip Plus hearing arguments sounds interesting. This sounds like it will be fun." I state after laughing and Mally lays back in her seat as we exit and behold the embassy and we pack it all up and get ready for our trip to go and I make sure I get a private moment with Tina.

"Tina I want to know your feelings." I cornered her in a small room and she looked dodgy, "I have just committed what most would call a massacre of people from your home and country and you haven't said a thing. I can tell you care about me and I want you to join us and have fun with us but I need you to tell me how you feel. I don't want hard feelings or at least not let them build up till they explode on me and the others."

She sighed and looked up to me and sighed again, "Look The Baron did things that I knew you fucked up and fucked his son going a little far with that. But he tried to kill you and hired a brigade of people to do it for him. Now he has disgraced his family by losing a five thousand to one fight, This is a shame on our kingdom and puts a foul taste in my mouth. Over the last year though you have been patient with me funded me fucked me loved me and I can't take away that I have feelings for you and doorknocker that will not go away. Plus what your offering me is my dream to go out and use the machines I make to battle and test if I can become a combat mechanic. I like you Chelsea and even though you have killed thousands of my countrymen I still like you. I know many in my race and of my people will think I am betraying the country but we attacked you first trying to hold you hostage for a war I believe we should have had no part in. I am not completely sure how I feel but what I know is that I want to journey with you and see where we end up. Maybe in a couple of weeks, I can tell you more but for now please let me think it over and give me some dick and time." She ended that last part with a smile and I smiled at her.



The Vote came in and the Winner for the commission on the vote was Chelsea going at it with Emily. The Work is now up on my P*atreon. Thanks for all that participated. Please continue to Enjoy my works. Also please Comment as I do read them, Vote, and review.

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