Business and Updates

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I felt bruised all over as I walked into the meeting room. I had healed myself from last night, but Florine was much stronger than I expected. I had also learned a lot about maneuverability from her. I still wasn't sure how she channeled her mana, but one thing was for certain. She didn't use that much when she moved through the air. It wasn't based on what I would use to move through the air slowing myself. No, hers was something focused inside of herself, allowing for rapid movement in the air. It was something I never expected from the woman, and I felt shame even thinking that.

Florine last night kicked my ass all over the training area and bruised my ego a little as she demolished me. Her speed was so random, and I noticed that the bright color of her fur and hair actually helped obscure the way she moved. It turned into a colorful blur that was hard to follow because of the bright color. It was something that I didn't expect to work in her favor so much. I also wasn't expecting her to be a rouge-style fighter, but I realized that that thought was an incorrect assumption throughout the fight. She fought head-on and had nothing to do with stealth.

No, While I fought her, it was a head-on, evasive fighting style that I was not used to. It reminded me of the point fighters of boxers; Keeping their distance and coming in for short bursts of damage before escaping. It was a unique style of fighting that I hadn't seen since my previous fight and went to remind me again and again that I had underestimated this world.

Florine showed me that my rifts were countable, and it just was just something someone slower like Francis couldn't do. On the other hand, Florine used her speed and maneuverability to do what Francis couldn't do. Francis was about tanking spells of a Wizard. He simply took the hit like a juggernaut and shrugged off the pain. That was something that Florine couldn't do with her battle ability. Instead, she focused so much on evasion that you had to predict where she was going to go so you could hit her.

At the end of the night, though, I started to use mass covering spells to affect her like I had tried on Francis and realized this worked way better with Florine than it did on him. Florine used the environment more to do things, whereas Francis ignored everything in front of him and barged right through it. The difference in battle abilities was in the philosophy each took.

In the end, both achieved the same thing through different methods. It was just Florine was better at attacking someone like me who was highly mobile in the fight. On the other hand, Francis ran forwards, and if you took time to cast spells, you were simply fucked. Wizards that didn't like to move during combat which was not a small number, would be completely countered by him and Florine both. Florine would simply dodge the attack, whereas Francis would just pile straight down the center, not caring about your attempts to stop him.

I leaned back, still feeling phantom sore spots from what I was painfully trying to keep away from calling an ass whopping in my mind. I looked across to the woman that was looking amused but slightly annoyed at me, carefully sitting down. "Still sore from what Francis is calling a pretty big hit against you?" Rose said with a smirk.

I looked across the table at her and smiled Wryly. "He did damage but isn't the reason that I am sore," I replied, leaning back.

"Well, That is good," Rose replied, "Still, I know you are busy and have other things to be going over today. So I am here to talk about our little business venture," Rose said, and I nodded. "Good, Your recipe is in the initial stages and isn't quite ready for release for selling. Honestly, I plan on using some funds to make some of this available both here and in the elven lands. I will give you a percentage, but I have high hope for your brewing recipe," Rose told me.

I smiled as that skill taught me a lot without knowing it. It even helped me remember slightly some of the styles of microbrewing that we used in my previous life. I remembered having to deal with a bunch of students a few years before the army came in had started to brew spirits and beer in school. It was technically allowed on school premises since there were no rules against it. The problem was that the oldest person drinking it was sixteen.

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