Elite Squads

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I slowly went through what happened and how I began to suspect issues with the diplomats that we had been sending to the Demon lands to the Elders. They looked serious as I found that our intelligence network had been ransacked and embezzled.

The Elders told me that they looked through old reports and that it all looked normal and that when the war was over, they would have to increase gold allocation until they could get the spy network back up and running. I followed up by informing them that I had begun with my old gold made by selling high-quality potions made with the chance of death, making them look both surprised at my Alchemy prowess and frown that many of those potions went to another nation.

They accepted all of that, even my sale of a very watered-down form of a strategic material when I told them the extra ingredients I added to send others astray on the proper formula. I could tell some of them were very annoyed and hadn't wanted to do it either, but I needed the gold at the time. It was prioritizing the short term over the long term, but they understood the situation that I was in.

I continued to brief them on the state of our relationships with some of the races in the Demon lands. Again the Elders were alarmed by how close we were to losing all ties with the Succubi and the Incubi. The Vampires were now on the fence with us but still liked us but were waiting and seeing while I got closer with the neutral factions.

It was complex, and I told them that there wasn't more than surface-level information because of the absolute shit show that the spy ring was. The Elders understood and asked how I got the Medusa representative to change sides, and I frowned at that. It was the tensest part of the entire debrief as I told them about the Tiger-kin Mistress inside the Demon lands with the ability to influence high level.

"What?!" Two Elders stood outraged, "Who is this Mistress?" They demanded, and I shrugged.

"I am not sure," I told them, "Christina found her by accident, and I had to strike a deal with her for some inconsequential things in the end. But the results were amazing, and the Medusa that she controlled derailed the opposition to our economic policies that would have hurt relations with the Demon lands long term with our people," I continued, "In fact, this now leaves us in a strong term to negotiate now without the leverage of the Free Trade Agreement as a whole. This shouldn't be taken advantage of right away, nor should we push too hard to create resentment with the Races of the Demon lands. But we can also delay that part to build up a larger ship presence since the Demon lands would also like us to succeed in the war against the Empire." This time I was smiling brightly as I told them what I thought it all meant. "This will increase our overall development after the war forward as well as increasing how much gold and silver we make during the war in order to field our tribes with good equipment properly."

"Still, I am wary of the Mistress you mention." Elder Trion said suddenly, and I had to hold myself from looking at him with hate. I knew Trion was one of the Elders that would want me to become a Bull to create more children endlessly.

"I have already done my best in that respect," I told him, "Unfortunately, during my Interaction with this Mistress, she informed me she would like the mole we placed removed already, knowing the staff member. If we can, it will take time to convert another of her staff." I shrugged and leaned forward a bit, "I cannot do more than that, and neither could anyone else. She was at least a B ranker, and I couldn't fight her either in my current situation as she wasn't weak. It will take time to watch her again, hopefully from a distance." Elders nodded at that, and I smiled. "On other news on that front. Queen Mira and the Succubi have become aware of her and will be watching in the meantime."

"That is at least some good news, although it still isn't a first-hand account," Elder Trion replied, "Better than nothing, at least."

"Chelsea, moving on from that," Elder Tyrone began, "Queen Mira said that you sold her a military strategy in the coming war for her Succubi. Please, Tell us all about your plans and what we need to do in order to facilitate your efforts."

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