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I stepped in, and the woman looked at the receptionist. "Freya, Go back downstairs. No one is to come up, and if anything like Oscar happens, you know what to do." The Tiger-kin said and closed the door behind me.

She walked away from the door, and she looked at me calmly. "You are not here for fun," The Tiger-kin said as she walked to grab a chair. She placed it down in front of her as I looked at her.

The Tiger-kin wore a leather tops piece that covered her breasts in a light brown. They also saw a bra under it, and her light brown leather pants had two whips attached through the loop on the hip. She was a no-nonsense woman as she sat in her chair. Her expression was one of curiosity and interest with slight annoyance. "I am Mistress Sally," The Tiger-kin Introduced herself, "You are?"

"I am Ambassador Chelsea Loveknot of the Beast-kin nation," I formally introduced myself.

"Interesting," Mistress Sally replied, her eyes looking intrigued, "I can also see you are not a woman with how you dress."

"I am a Futanari; I have both working genitalia," I replied without much thought into the matter. That was when I saw a much more increased interest from her in her eyes. Her body even moved forward slightly.

"Interesting," Mistress Sally said, looking down at the loincloth covering up Doorknocker. "I wonder how much pleasure you can feel from both?" She asked herself, and I felt a chill up my spine.

This Mistress Sally would not be like playing with Se Mon and Julia when they tied me up in that illusion. No, I could feel my skin crawl with danger signs as she looked me over. This woman would make me cum and play with me harder than I ever did to Rose's husband. I felt another shiver through me as I brought myself back to the moment.

"I can feel quite well with both my dick and my vagina, thank you," I replied professionally, and I saw her sigh leaning back.

Mistress Sally was a muscular woman, and I could see the abs move with her. I got the impression from her subtle movements that those muscles would do nothing to slow her movement. I wondered how flexible she was with those types of muscles? The more I looked at this Mistress Sally, the more impressed I was with her strength. I then reached out with my mana and felt very flexible mana with a strong source of power, if not slightly stronger than my own.

"So, it seems you are not here to be under my thumb tonight," Mistress Sally said, cutting in the unintentional silence that had developed.

"No, I am not," I told her flatly, and I sighed, "I am here because you have access to someone that I want convinced to do something for me." I continued, and I could see intrigue light on her face.

"Well, now that IS interesting," Mistress Sally said. "And what pray tell would I get from this exchange?"

The alarms in my head came off in my head. This woman had a weird way about her, and my instincts screamed at me even more that this woman was dangerous. Still, I wanted to see what she wanted to say about what I wanted. "You have a Medusa representative that comes and purchases your services," I said slowly. I could see a growing smile on her face as I continued, "I want her to vote in a certain way on the next Vote for the Free Trade agreement being passed towards the one proposed by the bunny-kin without the Fishing rights amendment that they originally wanted. I am hoping you can help me with that."

The smile on her face was a mysterious one, and my back was chilled while my instincts sang towards me. This woman was dangerous and a threat in many ways. Then a thought hit me as I realized what made my back chill. This was a smile of someone used to these types of dealings, and my danger level rose up a notch.

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