The Vote

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The talk with Francis was nowhere near as exciting as it was with Kathy and Mal. Both were charming women, and I confirmed that I impregnated both at the end of the day. I felt odd impregnating them, almost like a business transaction, but I liked them both too. My family grew by another four, and I wondered if I should start to hire staff just to keep track of the women I slept with so that I could track all my children.

On the other hand, Thomas Longsong got along with Francis, and I could see Francis smile at the thought of another brawler to negotiate with as the Bunny=kin mostly sent wizards. The two hit it off, and I liked that. Francis asked some pointed questions about being a Brawler with a tribe that valued wizards more.

Thomas took it all in with a smile and replied to him simply, which made Francis smile, "Our Tribe values Strength, Francis. I may not be a Wizard, and I lack the normal strength for people of this position, but I also have the experience for my tribe to make use of. The Bunny-kin does not look down upon any form of strength or how it is achieved. We look up to those with strength and expertise. So I do not suffer for not being a wizard."

I was happy with his reply, and I could see Francis looking at Thomas with more respect. It wasn't as much as me after I beat him in a fight, but Thomas did not have that luxury when he was a C ranked Brawler. Francis was an Anti-mage fighter and at B rank. There would be no contest in a fight.

I was thrilled, though the representatives took a liking to him at least a little. The Elders sent someone who could do the job, at least even if he didn't have the strength. It also announced to the various races in the Demon lands upper echelons that we were going to war with the Empire. The only time someone of his strength rank appeared as an Ambassador was during times of war.

Reflecting back on these days allowed me to not think about what was happening today as the House of Representatives came together today. I would have no meetings, and I would have nothing other than Paperwork for the entire day. I shooed it off as I wouldn't be able to concentrate on it. Today was the vote on the Free Trade Agreement.

I was nervous, and I wished I could go see the vote and talk to the representatives to see if I could secure another vote. But I couldn't, and I wouldn't try to force it. There was no one allowed in the House of representatives during votes except those that were citizens of the Demon Lands. As an Ambassador, it would look like I was trying to sway votes my way if I showed up.

Now I stood in my potions room staring at a wall, thinking about my fighting form. I could rift and move with speed around a fighting space. That would be critical for me entering the enemy's lines. But that could only be done after the battle started. I needed to come up with something that could kill on mass and force B rankers to come fight me or lose the battles between C rankers.

The examples I saw in historical texts show that the usual combat form was still around Standing Armies. They would march toward each other and sound each other out before deciding to attack. These massed tactics were something I believe the Beast-kin nation could take at first. The problem was that Tribes were gathering together, not as an army. We would be barbarians attacking a military that works together. That meant we needed to stop them from working together and splitting up their forces into small packs where we could take them on.

I thanked the heavens that we had mana in this world, or with how the Beast-kin nation was structured, we would be screwed. The bunny-kin seemed to be moving towards a standing army structure, but I wasn't sure about the other tribes. The Dragonic is a race with Wild magic that I have never really seen. To me, wild magic was almost what we all used, and I was interested to see it in action.

The records I looked at showed that Wild magic could be powerful or weak. The results made it up to chance most of the time, which was not okay. But when it was powerful, it was something that made all the other Beast-kin tribes fear them. So I wasn't sure if it was reliable for the war but also something that shouldn't be counted out.

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