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Things in the next couple of days started to move faster. The council of the Demon lands passed a Vote to attack the growing Pirate problem. A week had passed, and the Ship sailed, leaving Ambassador Ralph in the Demon lands. The Demon lands armies started to slowly equip themselves in preparation for the attack on the Pirates. This movement was large and was evident to all. The Citizens of the Demon lands were in support, with many Merchants praising the decision. Although the Council controlling the Demon lands didn't need their approval, it was useful to them. A happy population was a more productive population.

It seemed that with the votes I gathered, the Demons were happy to move along with it. Only two races were against it. The Medusa and the Venomancers; seemed to vote against it for an unknown reason. I was happy that it went through, though. With the first meeting out of the way, I realized that some things would move in the way I want due to the perception if they didn't. The Demon lands political field was more complicated. How the demons lands citizens would react would usually be seen from historical data. The problem was that the data from the last thirty years was insufficient. The only trend I could find was the increased need for Alchemical goods. This spoke well for products from home, but I couldn't learn enough about the political climate here. Ralph sat quietly in his room, now refusing to talk to anyone. This was frustrating as well.

While I was contemplating all my frustrations, Alexia came up beside me. "Chelsea..." She called me out of my thoughts. I turned to her and smiled, pecking her lips with a kiss.


"The Thunder Eagle is back with a message from the Council of Silvermoon." I froze under those words before smiling.

"Thanks, Alexia..." I kissed her lips again to her delight. "I need to go grab that now." I headed out towards the message. The message wouldn't be able to be touched by anyone other than me. These messages were too essential to let an enemy intercept them.

I opened the scroll and started reading.

"To Ambassador Chelsea Loveknot

The information against Ambassador Ralph seems small but substantial. Please find more information about it and investigate further.

To open a large trade deal with the Demon lands. Please broker it. The upcoming war will put an enormous strain on both finances and resources. More cooperation between us and the Demon lands will only benefit our tribes towards the glory of victory. You will have the full backing of the entire Council as long as the Trade deal is fair for our country.

Your recommendation of a slight tax in exchange for no tariffs seems like a better idea. More trade means more money and profit. We welcome the changes that you are trying to put into place.

Please send a message post-haste on the willingness of the Demon lands in accordance to the Pirates. Recently the Pirates off our shore have become even more brazen as more merchants decide to stay in port. Regardless of success or failure, we need to know. The Pirate threat on our shores is only growing in the coming days instead of disappearing. Please do what you can to grab ahold of assistance in this area.

Although you have only been in the Demon lands for a short time, please message us as soon as possible of anything that seems incorrect.


The Council of Silvermoon."

This was fantastic news with solemn news at the same time. The small amount of space for messages made our words very on point without useless words. I now had the backing for a Free trade deal with the Demon lands. This would bring in more profit, and taking away tariffs was good. The amount of taxes for everything sold inside the country will make more merchants come in the end. Tariffs are more expensive and dissuade trade.

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