The Lich

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Although the situation was dire if I didn't get to healing myself immediately, my situation was nowhere near as bad as it was when I first entered the Dwarven Kingdom with that shipment. It was terrible since I had to deal more damage to myself to start the real healing process.

Days passed, but I made a full recovery, and I was fed Nutrient bombs that I had stored for just this type of occasion, which sped up my healing. My body was in ruff shape, and no nutrient was left unused. Although that meant at the end, I stank since I decided to sweat out all the toxins instead of waiting to use the bathroom.

There was simply too much to let build up in my system. Someone was wiping me off, and when I got up, I felt a wave crash lightly against the galley side. My eyes fluttered open, and I stretched, feeling exhausted but needing to move after several days of not moving. When my eyes opened, I noticed Emily smiling above me with a large smile and slight tears in her eyes. "You're awake!" Emily exclaimed.

The simple exclamation brought a fury of movement over to me, and Betsy Rose and Mira showed their faces around me. It was a crowd, and soon Kate and Mally were also around, followed by the elven twins and Tina. It was a crowd, and the room was packed. "Gimme a second, ladies; I am still recovering," I stated, my throat feeling dry. "Water, please," I said, and a second later, I had water in my hands.

I quenched my thirst with a sigh of relief and smiled, "Well, I think I won the fight, but I am not really sure as it all happened so fast. I did hear you, Mira declaring my victory." I said.

"Good, The Lich wants to talk to you and has joined us on this ship. I have been watching over it. The Lich has stated that it will only hand its phylactery since that was the deal. You will need to visit it soon after resting some more." Mira told me, and I nodded.

That was a good idea; as I got up, I felt at least four hands press against my chest, pushing me back down. "Not yet," I heard Emily, Kate, Mally, and Rose say together. "You need to rest."

"I need to move for a moment and see if I put something back the wrong way," I replied with a wry smile. "I had to put some of my organs and muscles back together, and I want to see if I made a mistake." I continued and paused for a long yawn. "I just need to stretch a bit and make sure I got everything right, and then I need to rest. I was awake the entire time I was laying down concentrating on too many things at once."

I got some worried looks, but soon, I was allowed to stand and stretch. Meanwhile, I heard some whispers, and my mind started to turn foggy with sleepiness. Although I could meditate to rest, I did need some actual sleep. My body was deprived of rest, and even my mana was significantly depleted as I needed to spend some time meditating to recover. So many things and so little time that in which, I barely noticed a kiss on my cheek when Emily came close. "Be more careful next time, please," Emily said before rushing out.

My heart warmed, and I regretted making them all worry. It probably was going to happen again and again, though, when the war began. I would need to get faster at not only healing myself but casting my spells. I remembered the brazen decision to incorporate mana throughout my body parts and tint them to a form of mana.

I turned my arm and hand along with most of my body into the void mana, breaking reality. I wish I got to see the aftermath, but I knew I took out the Lich. That wasn't the complete picture, though, as I repeatedly took her attack straight into my back. The damage that had been done to my body was significant, to say the least. Luckily none directly hit my spine, but whatever her spell did make my body rot. It was like a virus parasite at the molecular level that tore and ate my flesh as fast as possible.

I had to tear out even parts of my liver and kidneys in order to start the healing process. That made the Lich a very dangerous enemy that could hit you and run. In the end, you would die from the magical rot that you had to sever from your body in order to heal completely. I shivered and then yawned as my ability to think began to degrade as I began to relax.

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