Social Graces of Accepting Family

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I took Mina's mother and her out after finishing behind the Inn with Mina's mother. I "Convinced" her to move with Mina to the Silvermoon tower with me. It didn't take a lot to convince her either. She was attached to my arm. I entered back into the Inn and saw my mother talking to Mina. As I walked in, my eyes widened, and so did my mothers as Mina's mana started to move. She summoned a ball of Water over her hand that revolved at increasing speed. I felt my daughter's mana and found she was an F-rank Wizard already.

I was compounded with the surprise as she changed the spinning ball's shape into various cute animals and people. Her mother looked at her with a fondness. "Ah, Her favorite spell. She learned about mana one time at home, and it quickly became her favorite thing to do while I was working. I didn't have the money for any babysitters, so she entertained herself with this. She has gotten progressively better with it and can go longer and longer."

My mother clapped when little Mina was done. I came up and picked up Mina showing her affection. She giggled happily to my attention. She was happy, but the people inside the Inn were getting progressively more annoyed. I nodded to my mother, who understood my meaning. I pulled carried Mina out of the Inn.

"Mommy?!" Mina cried out as her mom was wrapped behind me.

"Yes, Sweetie?" She replied calmly.

"Are you not supposed to be on shift today, mommy?" She asked.

"Mommy doesn't need to anymore since Daddy is here, Sweety. We can talk about it on the way home with Grandma and Daddy." She started to explain what I "Convinced' her of.

Mina seemed very open to it when we arrived at a small house. Mina's situation was much better than Susie's. Mina's mother went inside, and we followed. Inside was two other couples living here. I realized to afford this house. She was renting. That made a lot of sense, and I realized I underprovided by a large margin. This was something I needed to fix in the future.

Her roommates congratulated her on moving in with her Baby Daddy. I blushed as that term was a perfect representation. I thought back to my past life and how I was all about image. I changed completely like that in this life. I thought about it more, and I think I wasn't actually changed all that much. This made my brows furrow in thought. In this world and my current culture, what I was doing was the outstanding thing to do.

MIna left my arms, gathered her favorite things, and said goodbye to her roommates, who helped her mother. I was stuck in my current train of thought, though. Every time I think I am different and that I grew, I realize I never changed. I could literally point it out as I went.

I am arrogant. I never questioned that Mina's mother or Susie's mother wouldn't want to follow me. I was right, as well. Both of these little girls were talented Wizards. Although the path becomes progressively harder, they were both talents at a very young age like I was. They would grow to be powerful. I was still a growing wizard when it comes to my power. I needed to talk to my mother about what made the definitive difference between B-rank and A-rank. They were milestones that I needed to make. Getting to C-rank is all about developing a larger and larger mana pool. As long as you can imagine better, more powerful spells, they will naturally reach this point. You need at least one trump card as well. The thing was though B-rank wizard, like my mother, could kill hundreds of C-rankers like me easily. This means there was something I was missing that I didn't understand. How did my mother suppress the mana? Was there a way to counter it?

My thoughts were interrupted when Mina jumped into my arms again with a large smile. "Daddy, I got my favorite toys; let me show you!" She exclaimed and started to show me her various dolls. My face melted, and I smiled as she showed me her toys. She started to name off her various dolls. I started to play with her more. I was on the floor, playing tea with her while her mother packed up with my mother. They seemed to get along as I played with Mina. I felt bad for not helping, but I knew keeping Mina out of the way for some parents was a big help in itself.

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