Willing Participant

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It was hours into the trip with quiet companionship when Mally couldn't take it anymore and everyone started to talk to each. I just held Emily as the ladies talked. It turned into a lecture on mechanics that I started to unfocus on Emily and started to focus on Tina as she explained the use of this world's mechanics. It was only really in the Dwarf kingdom where this craft stood at the moment. This was a shame as I thought this is something our country could use to elevate the average person.

In Bunny-kin culture, the average person was unremarkable and should just bring up the strong offspring. This was something I shamelessly used if I was being honest to myself. I didn't really want to be either. This was something that I believed needed to be changed though. I knew at this point I was the Heir to the Bunny-kin culture and cities. I was going to be the leader at this point. In my head, I still want to avoid that but should I? If it wasn't me who could legit get the credentials needed to come to power? The only thing I had going for me though was my race being superior and who my father is. That's it, I know I could make use of knowledge from my previous incarnation but that was marginally better at best. I screwed up hard in my first try. Maybe I could do better but something still shied away from it for me.

I listened to how Tina talked about steam power and its use with energy and mana. This was directly on how Mally asked if she could make less of a mess on the battlefield as it could affect our ability to maneuver. I had to admit she had a point I had blood in my fur from her and she was a literal mess at the end. Emily was drenched even when she was being super clean in her cuts to avoid.

This created a mess that could only be cleaned up with time decomposing or a fucking powerwash that didn't exist in this world to my knowledge. I could clean it up with mana but that would take a lot of mana and work to do. It wasn't worth it unless in certain circumstances. This was understandable though. This was a new invention of Tina's and it worked well and did what it was supposed to do.

The talks and subsequent debate afterward with Tina getting to the point of saying 'It just doesn't work that way' becoming a staple. It turned into good-hearted fun with everyone included but the bandit that sat in the corner looking peeved. I couldn't care less though.

The Carriage continued and I told the Coachmen to stop at a travelers lodge if there is one along the way. I would love a hot bath and a soft bed filled with my beauties. I turned to the Cow in the room per se and looked at Betsy.

"Why are you still here?" I asked flat out not apologetic at all and she turned slightly pale at that and surprised.

"What?" I continued to pet Emily's head as she cuddled into me resting on my lap I knew she was milking my comfort right now. I did not mind though as I had been neglecting her a bit recently.

"I asked why you got in the carriage. I never said you had to get in or stopped you from leaving in the night. I raped you and now you are clinging to us as we travel. That begs the question now. Why are you still here?" I asked point-blank after explaining. I had a pretty good idea that she didn't know herself why she has followed us into the carriage and has been working on staying as small as possible.

"Fine, I don't know okay? I followed you on instinct. Something tells me I should and that I will regret it if I leave." She crossed her arms under her large breasts and sighed. "I just have that instinct and I cant shack it so I got in. I also no longer know where I am after that fucking you gave me its not as I can just walk back to my old crew."

I laughed at the bullshit spewed, "Look Betsy I don't care about you or your feelings. You lost all respect from me when you became a bandit they are the scum of civilization and that disgusts me. So you will have to earn every little bit of respect here. I won't tolerate your bullshit here. You have a nice body I liked to play with that, is it. The rest of the ladies here realize what scorn I have for bandits and have the same scorn. You will not find sympathy here Betsy. Here you are scorned for your choices and looked down upon. I have an offer though."

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