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The carriage ride changed drastically after the Slavers attack. My mother and I meditated most of the day away. I would get up and indulge in an orgy with my women. My mother would open her eyes and join in around the end. I would only have each of my women once a day before going back to meditation. Everyone started to practice the various forms of mana they adapted to. Mally started to help Asahi and Trisha also with this.

The train of carriages and carts moved with ease through the dwarven lands quickly. It was calm the entire time. The Guards did not take that for granted. At night they stayed aware and took the job extremely seriously.

Nothing came, though, throwing a wrench in some of our conceptions. Were the dwarves siding with the humans? This was something that a few slavers couldn't prove. They may not have taken dwarves to sell. That could also mean that the Slavers had just set up. It could mean many things in many different contexts.

The road was slow going, but we made it to the border without further incident. It was startling not to need to battle along these same roads I had almost died. My mother smiled when I brought this up with her.

"I looked into the reports of what happened with your first Adventurer escort. That Merchant under hired for the amount of gold he was carrying. That time was also the height of the conflict between the kingdom of Arlin and the Northern Beasts. Now that they are stuck in a quagmire, the number of bandits decreased. With the dwarves now patrolling their roads more, it also decreases the bandits. This made for a bad time to move such goods. It is not like our borders are too broad as well. We are not free from attacks until a hundred kilometers near a city." She smiled as we were pulling up to the fortress in the crevice.

I reflected on the last time I was here. There was a cute little goat-kin I knocked up. I was going to see one of my kids for the first time. A strong sense of both excitement and dread came down upon me. Would they like me? Did she do a good job raising our child? Strange never felt before emotions came crashing down upon me.

The atmosphere changed as I was visibly starting to become distraught in my own thoughts. My mother picked up on it with Emily and Molly right behind her.

"Honey?! What's wrong?" She cried out, sensing my distress.

I turned to her, my face one of extreme worry. "Mother! I have a child here. Will the kid like me? Do I bring him or her back with us? Do I meet with the kid? What do I do? I just remembered, knocking up a cute little Goat-kin girl here, and I have no idea what to do?!" I exclaimed.

My mother's mouth opened and closed. She looked unsure, and most of my women looked the same. They had about the same answers I did when it came down to it. No one had experience doing a hump and dumping a child. My mother was well... a female. She carried the child to term and wasn't used to it. My mother looked more thoughtful after a bit of silent thought.

"Just play it by the moment, Honey," She started, looking softly at my distress, "You don't know how that cute Goat-kin girl did after you left. That is all you can do. Let us find her, and we will go from there." My mother finished with a reassuring smile. I told her the inns name, and we came to a stop in the center of the fortress. My mother would need to stop to talk to the leaders of the army stationed here.

The carriage train came to a stop. We all started to get out, stretching after a long time sitting. My mother was going to go to the army barracks when I told her where I was going. She looked torn then followed us. We arrived at the inn. I felt a sense of nostalgia that quickly disappeared at the inn's entrance. I opened the door, and I saw a filled dining area. It was busy with a dinner rush. I walked in with my women looking around. We took a seat in the large booth in the corner. I looked at the servers. Finally, I saw her. She was just as cute as before with a slightly more mature atmosphere around her now. I watched as she moved towards us. She made it up to us and stopped just a step away.

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