Step Three: Jinn

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Mira left, and I went back up to the apartment and passed out after she left. I spent a total of two days with her. This completely destroyed the schedules that Yuri and Alexia had made with others. But many knew that an A rank outstripped them in status and was easy to make others understand.

When someone more powerful than you demands someone's attention, you tend to stay out of the way.

Most people who used political power and controlled the everyday negotiations were B and C rank powerhouses. Our bosses were the A rankers, and they were the actual movers and shakers. Things like my Equal trade agreement might even be destroyed if the right powerhouses told their people they didn't like that. Most of this was out of their attention since they had better things to be doing.

I had no idea what those better things to be doing were sometimes, but I knew that they were doing something; Right?

Those thoughts all left my head, though, as I needed to move on to the next order of business after waking up. I grabbed some food that Emily had prepared to go for me, and I left the apartment with fresh clothes.

Things in the Demon lands were looking up for me and were progressing down the right track. With Queen Mira, I had gained a powerful backer that would force me into a high position for the war to come. This would give me more chances to prove myself and make accomplishments and increase my standing. I also wanted to take a chunk out of that Empire. They had resources and various other things that would help the nation grow if we took a chunk. Although they are also a large nation and I didn't expect us to destroy it.

What was truly needed was to show them that they couldn't do whatever the fuck they wanted. Their slavers invading our borders taking our civilians was unacceptable, and I was surprised it took the Beast-kin nation this long to do this.

I reached my destination, and I put my thoughts on pause for the cause. I entered to see the smiling face of a woman I had not met yet. I grinned, and I looked at the man beside her. They were both blue people, and their skin was entirely Blue. These Two were Jinn. And I felt strongly concentrated mana coming from their bodies. These two were stronger than me, and I knew it. My instincts told me I could fight them, but I would need to run in the end. They didn't make me feel like Jax did, where I knew I would lose entirely to him.

That being said, I could always use the Void to escape which I needed to spend more time researching more applications of use. That was true for all wizards, though, and looking over these two, I knew they were both wizards.

"You must be the newly heard about Ambassador Chelsea," The woman walked up with a sweet voice that was almost musical to the ears. The woman was entirely blue-tinted skin, and her breasts were modest on the lower side of B cups. Her height was around five feet five inches tall. She wore a black dress that made her look good.

"You are correct," I replied, "I am sorry, I was in a rush, and I didn't have the time to do my usual preparations. Knowing that you are here, I know you are the representatives of the Jinn." I replied, taking her hand.

She laughed, filling the room with enchanting music. "Well, That is honest. I guess we were even lucky to get your appointment on time." She bit into me, and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"That is a truth," I said, using the chuckle to hide the wince. "I have been busy with someone that I not only didn't want to refuse couldn't refuse. She was very sexy." I joked.

The Jinn woman laughed again, this time with a giant smile on her face. "I am Representative Clover," That musical voice said,

A deep baritone voice came out of the Male Jinn, "I am representative Roger." I turned to look at him, and the man was also dressed in long sleeve shirt and black pants. I slightly wondered if they were both fascinated with black but kept my mouth shut.

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