Patry Started

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My hand slipped up the thighs of Yuri and Alexia at the same time. The soft-touch of their bodies seemed to calm me down as I took solace from them. If what I was thinking was true, then things might hit the fan. I truly hoped I was wrong, but I let it slip out of my mind as we arrived back at the doors to the party.

I took a deep breath, and I looked at my Ladies. "I think it is time to turn charming again," I said with a grin.

Yuri and Alexia chuckled softly. "You don't need to be charming in order for this to work. Your sincerity towards the races working with you is doing much more than any charm can do." Alexia replied, making me raise my eyebrows just as the door opened.

Jax stepped out with a large grin and two bunny-kin in his arms. "Come on in, and let us finish business. My pants are starting to get tighter than I am used to, and the ladies' panties are starting to moisten the air more than we can take." Jax said with a charming grin.

I smiled as I stepped in, cutting the previous conversation short, and I noticed many dresses had nipples showing as the ladies 'lost' the bras under them. I couldn't help but smirk, and I could even see the large Hard-on that Jax had under his, not as loose leather pants.

The ladies were doing their job while enjoying themselves, and the Incubi were starting to feel it. The girls themselves were also being teased, though, as I looked around, seeing some wet spots on dresses as they talked to the men they were with. If I didn't end the business part of this party soon, I might have an uprising leading to no more than very hot, sweaty sex all around the room.

Entering the room again, I could smell the moist air of men and women wanting each other, only fueling the need in the room. Doorknocker twitched and started to harden in response as the sexual tension in the room was straining people's minds. It was the exact atmosphere that I wanted, and I could see that Jax, regardless of his more extreme reaction to me waiting at the door for a second before entering, was, in fact, having a good time.

I came back with Yuri and Alexia with my hands slyly on their asses and grins on their faces. An orgy was about to begin no matter what someone said soon, and I needed to get business out of the way. I sat down on the couch with Yuri and Alexia taking both sides of my lap and leaning back on me. "Sorry, Jax, Your information made me think of a possibility that had to be settled as soon as possible just in case. It would become a regret if I found that I was a day late since I didn't think the time wasn't of the essence." I said, pulling the ladies tightly to me.

Jax gave me a large Toothy grin before sneaking a lick on one of the ladies in his arm, getting a light swat on his arm from a very turned-on Bunny-kin girl. "That is fine," Jax replied, "When you are in positions that we occupy, we are more troubled by possibilities than actual problems most of the time. This is why they pay us the large amounts of gold," He finished with a grin.

I wanted to wince since I was actually paying to be here instead of being paid at this moment. This wasn't typical, and if it weren't for the fact that this Embassy was practically crumbling in gold needs, it would be true that the amount of gold I was supposed to take wouldn't be small. I stifled both the wince and the sigh from those thoughts and coughed instead to change the subject. "Well, Before we have a sexual Riot here, I want to get to the point of things so that we can enjoy ourselves."

Mostro jumped in unexpectedly at this moment as I almost seemed to have forgotten him. "Yes, I do believe that I would like to get to the point as I think everyone would like to let loose a little," His tone was polite, and I glanced at his unnecessary inclusion. Jax looked at Mostro with a glint of an emotion I didn't catch before it disappeared.

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