Showing Care

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The ship was nearing its destination and would only take a couple more days of travel. The two weeks up until this point passed in peace. The moans of a little bitch boy were covered by the waves crashing against the side of the boat as it continued to sail. I watched in the corner and saw a tall, muscular Bunny-kin with purple hair approach the bitch boy and started to take the bitch boy hard and fast to the point his moans and screams for mercy eclipsed the waves. I looked on without pity and promptly ignored his cries turning to look out to the rocky sea. I decided I would like to fish again as I did so without sitting on the railings. I took out that fishing rod and relaxed my mind. The last couple of days after my talk with Rose, we started to seriously plan what some of the details would be for a massive academy.

One of the things we agreed on was the size of the Academy and the location. We were going to do it near the mountain range on Beast-kin nation territory. The problem with doing it on Elven territory was that there were too many monsters on the forest floor. The size of the place we were going to be making couldn't fit on the tree branches. Well... It could, but the cost would be staggering and would not be practical at all. The area we were planning on developing would be the definition of high-risk, high reward. I put forward making the Academy into its own City. We would purchase the land for a long time or even outright from the Drangonic. Then we would slowly create the facilities from the ground up. Rose was skeptical, but I started to draw a rough blueprint of what I was thinking.

Her expression changed as she realized I was making a new city with its own sewer system. It even had designs to have an aqueduct bring water from a nearby river that I used from one of the maps. This land was something of no-mans land in the Beast-kin nation. No Tribe really developed there at this point. Since the Road was being developed not far away, that would be changing soon but not within the next couple of years. With Rose being the major investor and The Loveknot family's heir backing her up, we should be able to secure rights to the land.

I thought about matters about the academy as I caught fish. They were slightly larger than I was expecting when someone leaned against the edge with the back to the water. I saw Emily's face as she had made herself scarce since our last conversation. She had been thinking, and I respectively brought in the fishing line dumping the fish on the line into the bucket. I smiled at her.

"Hey beautiful, I haven't seen you in a bit. The boat's small where you been hiding?" I asked mischievously. She blushed in response.

"I have been thinking, Chelsea..." She trailed off, and I let the silence deepen. I knew that she needed to talk and the courage to do that talking. "I..." She stopped again and took a deep breath. "I really want your kids. I looked at the sea of children that you had in the tower... I was overwhelmed by the feeling of jealousy. All those women did nothing but lay with you, and I fought and killed by your side. They got what I wanted most! They got impregnated by you, and that is all I want!" She announced loudly, and I looked at her.

"Then I can undo the enchantment Em'. The only reason I put it there in the first place wasn't that I didn't want you to have my kids. It was so that while we traveled on a dangerous journey, our child didn't get hurt. A journey is no place to put a child on willingly. They need stability to become adults. When we send them off to journey is where they mature into Bunny-kin adults. I don't necessarily agree with that, but I digress. I am happy to have you as the mother of many of my children Em'. You are faithfully by my side all the time on your own violation. Why wouldn't I impregnate you if that is what you want?" I asked her back seriously. I saw the tears in her eyes.

"I- I don't know. I see you with so many women... You impregnate them like it's nothing. I really want it, but you didn't do it for me... I- I- I don't know. It was like a voice whispering in my ear that I wasn't good enough for you. That I was just a slave. That was all I am good for. Each time I saw a woman besides myself impregnated, it was like a stab in my heart. I wondered why it wasn't me. Then you offered it to everyone in the room. I offer stood to anyone who wanted it... I don't know. It just hurt when you asked like that." She was in tears, and I realized my biggest fuck up yet.

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