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With the closing of the door, I was alone with the two sexy Succubi. There were a coffee table and two couches in the room. A typical meeting room for negotiations in this world, I have noticed. Offices tended to have this set up inside so that they didn't negotiate behind a desk. I understood this since, in my opinion, it made the parties feel more equal and not in another person's territory.

I showed them to their couch before seating myself across from them with a smile. "Well, My first day of work ever, and I get to meet two beautiful women with amazingly sexy bodies." I start, and both smiled happily. One thing I had noticed is that Succubi love compliments on their appearance. Mally loved it, and most women did. Nothing hurt, giving some flattery, and the smiles I reaped showed how far it went.

"Well, I can say we are delighted to see you, Chelsea. Not only because you are Heir to Silvermoon tower..." She trailed off, looking between my legs. I hadn't noticed that my loincloth was outlining my flaccid Doorknocker. "We are happy to see a change in leadership from the bunny-kin nation. Ralph was not ideal for us. When we heard that you were changing leadership here, we backed off from talking to Ralph. He did not sit with us at the Succubi house well. Our stance here is to tell you why." My mind was spinning how forthright the succubi were being. The start of negotiations and they are information dropping without asking anything in return.

Kathy then took out papers from somewhere as I felt mana fluctuate. It felt like an enchantment instead of their own mana. She laid them down on the coffee table, pushing them in front of me. "We are anxious about some movements from the former ambassador here and would like you to take a look," Mal said as I picked up the papers.

There was an entire stack of them, and I started to read them. Many were information on businesses and accounting from various places. All of it was in referral to a person that was named Donniagan. The name appeared many times all over the city with various businesses. The accounting of each was what was worrying as money was missing—either that or more money than there should have been. As I speed read through more and more of the work, understanding more of the information in front of me, I learned what was happening.

They hadn't told me how this was all linked to Ambassador Ralph, but all the papers in front of me pointed towards a growing gang growing alarming large here in the Demon lands capitol. They were funded through businesses all over. I continued reading as it started to show receipts of purchases of ships as well. This meant the funds also went into pirates. These were serious evidence of some severe allegations towards an ambassador. If it were true, the bunny-kin would punt him on his ass in front of the demons, allowing them to do whatever they like with him. Still, in the end, nothing pointed towards it being the Ambassador that did these things. About an hour went by before I set down the papers, and I took a deep breath.

"So, I understand that you are concerned with a very serious gang and pirate activity. These documents were probably not obtained lawfully, but I will claim my ignorance of your country's legal system. I still need evidence that this is ambassador Ralph or why you have suspicions on him, Mal." I summed up. I leaned back, spreading my hands open. "At the end of the day, I don't like pirates or bandits. I like to do some experiments on them since I think they can provide some use to society after capture. That does not mean this paperwork shows me any evidence that a citizen of my country is one of the reasons for increased Pirate presence on your shores." I finished.

The ladies in front of me looking at me surprised. "You finished all that in the last hour?" She asked incredulously.

"Ya, I sped read it. Although the accounting part is never easy to pull off, I like numbers. I haven't looked at many accounting things lately, but numbers are easier than words. That's not the point, though. You have not shown proof that it was Ambassador Ralph that has done these things. Without that proof, he will be going back to my country at the end of the week. This will leave him out of your hands." I confirmed. They were still surprised, though, and took a couple of seconds to gain their wits.

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