Bunny meets Tiger

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I sighed; I couldn't help it as I sat across from the venomancer, "You have created potions for a vast majority of other wizard towers," The representative said with a slight lisp. "We have come and offered above market price and included a decent amount of gold as a commission. You are still rejecting us!" The Venomancer woman stated loudly, Annoyed at me.

"I am no longer accepting orders Representative. I have no time for any more orders, including the generous commission that you are offering," I told her. "I am not saying this just to the Venomancers. I am saying it to everybody. My accepting commissions has ended. You will have to find another Alchemist to make your potion."

I leaned back, and I watched her angry face as she glared at me. She suddenly stood and, without another word, left. It was a very rude reaction, and I watched her go feeling only relief. This conversation had been thirty minutes of me explaining that I was no longer offering Alchemily services. After these last weeks, it seemed that they finally decided that they wanted a potion and to commission one from me. When Alexia and Yuri turned down the commission, they refused to accept it. The Poison Wizardry tower had their local representatives come to talk to me then.

The conversation was one of me repeating myself over and over again. I couldn't tell them the reason I was ending commissions, but the Venomancers were not the only ones displeased with it. I have had numerous complaints since I finished making all of them. When I finished all of them, they were all high-quality potions that I put a lot of effort into. Apparently, while I wasn't thinking about it, my fame as an alchemist grew even more than when I did the auction. I never even had time to plan a second Auction to make the large profits that brought in.

I sighed as the Venomancers were the only race in the end that never had a chance to commission my works. That made them feel left out and annoyed that I showed 'favoritism' to the other races. The potion they were looking to commission was a deadly one that came with danger.

I shook my head, though. No matter what they thought about it, I wasn't about to open up my commissions again. If I did for the venomancers whom I did not get along with, it meant I would have to do so for others. That meant I would be loaded with more and more work again, which I did not have time for.

I leaned back just as I heard a knock on the door before it opened. "Christina is here to see you," I heard Yuri say professionally.

"Thank you, Please let her in," I said and felt a headache building in my head after the day so far.

Christina did not come in right away, and I was left with my thoughts about what to do next when I heard the door close. I watched as Christina sat down across from me. "I have made the arrangements. There is one issue, though," Christina said.

"What?" I asked, looking at her with vigilance.

"The Dominatrix requires gold for you to meet her. As you meet her, you will be a new Client." Christina replied, and I winced.

I was hoping for a meeting between equals, but you are never equal when you are the client of a dominatrix. That was something that I would have to deal with before the conversation got to where I needed it. However, it was an obstacle that I would just have to deal with. I audibly sighed before I nodded. "Tonight it is then." I stood, "You will be my backup, Sister. Watch my back and ensure that we can make it out if anything goes wrong."

"Yes," Christina said with a nod. Her emotionless demeanor that she showed for work was there as she said that. It was like the passionate woman was hidden once again. "In fact, I have already informed Yuri that you will need to head out now if you are going to meet this particular appointment."

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