Traditional Party

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Tonight was party night, and a volunteer notice had been put up for Bunny-kin, who wanted to have some fun for the night with some sex demons. The number of inquires burdened Alexia and Yuri to keep everything in check. We found out that the Incubi were bringing seven delegates to the party, and from that, we decided that outside of Alexia and Yuri at the party, we would need fourteen more Bunny-kin to serve the Incubi for the night.

Alexia and Yuri took to it, and the Bunny-kin chosen were all in great shape, and the lowest strength among them was C-rank. These girls were no greenhouse flowers and could handle themselves even in combat. The women chosen were ecstatic about being selected for the duty, and most were guards for the embassy. Jealous rumors swirled around the embassy about how they got chosen, and I ignored the rumors as long as they weren't malicious.

Over the days, with everything shaping up, it was considered my most planned meeting. The only reason behind that was because it was a tradition for the Bunny-kin to host a party for the Incubi like this every time. It was a tradition that historically dated to the first meeting that the Bunny-kin sent to the Demon lands, and the Incubi were in the power of their house of representatives.

To get our neighbors to be friendly with us, the ambassador at the time made a huge party with four hundred bunny-kin filled with sexual energy to meet with the Incubi. This solidified apparently a tradition of ambassadors in the future to continue to do the same thing. Although not in the same numbers as that first party. Traditions die hard, and this wasn't a tradition that needed to die at this point since the Bunny-kin women were not sad about it but quite enthusiastic about joining the fun.

As I walked into the hall where the party and meeting with the representatives would be, I looked around at all the furniture. There were couches and tables for food to still be put out and places for sex with tables, sofas, and swings for those feeling adventurous. This would become a place for sex instead of high meetings dictating two countries' future relations economically.

It was weird thinking of it that way as I used to host parties in my previous incarnation. They would never have devolved into sex parties with every hole available, and my imagination trying to grasp it would only gross me out. The typical delegate in my previous world, including Ambassadors, was in their late forties on the youngest end to in their late sixties or higher on the average trend.

The interesting thing about this world was that it was even more true in some areas. B-Ranked powerhouses held the power of delegation in the world. They took care of all the C-ranks and, below dealing with matters, their A rank counterparts had better things to be doing. The A ranks held the ultimate power and could kill off those B rankers, but the A rankers didn't want to deal with the day-to-day affairs that the resources they needed came from. This also leads to the average age in these parties, though it could be the late eighties or even centuries, depending on the species.

The consequence was that the power was held by those that had proven themselves to be strong among the Demon lands power, and the same was true with the Beast-kin nation. Everyone had to prove themselves, though, and as I looked around the room, seeing all the details Yuri and Alexia put into it, I knew that I needed to reward them more than just bringing them to this party giving them a good time.

Their hard work paid off, in my opinion, as the main reason why I was here before the party began and the Secret door to the room opened, and Fourteen women of various heights and colors came in. They all wore elegant dresses that showed off their bodies and allowed easy access to their bodies for later play. I am sure that the dresses would be in a corner at some point in the evening when things degraded to the point I knew they would reach. That didn't matter at this point as I saw the happy smiles of the Bunny-kins who volunteered to help me with this party.

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