First Battle

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The Bandits were prepared for us. They had weapons at the ready and I could only sense twenty but I think there is more. I send out more pulses and tell Emily to get ready. Mally is out telling them to everyone to ready up stealthy. We are about two minutes away from the ambush point they can see us all equipped. Except for Emily who is hurriedly putting on the last of her gear. I decide to send a message to Mally to get her to start a plan as the wagons start to slow.

"Mally you are an illusionist Can you make a fake train to continue forward and hide ours?" I send it quickly.

"I can send a fake one and cover but with my power it will be extremely easy to see at anything close to five meters I think the illusion will be weak due to time constraints."

"Do it doesn't matter if it is poorly done we just need them to trigger the ambush I am not sure of their numbers. If they trigger we have the information advantage."


I started to feel mana fluctuations in a way I hadn't seen before or thought of. I truly wish to study it but I hold off and feel another mana fluctuation. The bandits instantly after starting to respond to us after. There a traitor I use my mana sense to notice whom it came from. I notice one of our E-rank adventurers sent it. I put together a simple ball of mana imagining it as a musket ball and sending it forward, the same as a gun through a tube with only one exit and gun cotton as the propellant it uses more mana than I thought but it leaves from me quickly instantly killing the trash betrayer from sending more info.

"Ready your arms for battle," I yell out soon the battle was going to start and I felt mana fluctuations coming from the enemy the mana felt weird like it wasn't mana but acted the same way. My instinct to research was semi triggered but I held it down. I started to use the same mana ball picture and sent it towards a ranger in the back. Emily ran to the front and Mally dispersed the Illusion coming up with something new I had no idea as it did not show to us at all. My interest was triggered but I firmly hold it down. It took more effort than containing my lust. This is a weakness I am having trouble holding any images. The bandits clashed with the adventurers and I clear my head again. The ranger that I shot at was dead but there is at least forty more two to one advantage at least. I study mana fluctuations and feel no one as powerful as myself so I use the adventurers as the boat to let myself cleanly shoot at the range weapon bandits.

One behind the rockface I shoot them in the head, The one in the tree shooting rapidly one to the heart. I slaughtered. The adventurers were buying time but sometimes I would see them swing purposely somewhere no one was. Must be Mally at work. I wanted some attention on me so I sent a fireball at one of the bandits I held a clear image of just heated air done by a furnace and sent it forward. It made no practical sense to me but my mother always said it would work but I could never get it. It blew up in a radius engulfing two bandits and lightly hurt one of the adventurers. Emily was on the side taking on five bandits. The field was total pandemonium. I couldn't keep up with it all there were more showing up from a flank and I paled. I needed to come up with something. I sent a thermite bolt at them knowing no one should be looking that way. The merchants were hiding in the carriages hoping for us to keep their lives intact. I sent a pulse and noticed another flank. How fucking large was this bandit crew no way will the cargo pay for all of it.

I needed something. I sent another thermite ball at each flanking group which acts as a flashbang with the vacuum and will kill one of them. I bought seconds and I needed something that either incapacitates them or kills them. I think back to the inventions and talks with my old friends.

I remember back to when Derek and I thought this over. We both knew at this point something was coming and were thinking of ways to pull it off. I remember my question. "Derek I need a way to incapacitated the enemy without taking out our force any ideas?"

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