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I felt my head swelling, almost like I was getting a headache. Since I told the ladies that I would be leaving, my nights have become much longer. I needed to satisfy them all each night now amply. It wasn't a chore, but it was starting to get to my head since I was beginning to lack proper sleep.

This might change soon since I needed to finish the Contracts for the Wizard towers before I left. Still, I needed to finish some things before I could do so. I was signing document after document, and I wondered how to continue the increased gold flow the Embassy needed while I waited for my next meeting.

I had so many things going on that I never even heard the first two times there was a knock on the door. I looked up when it increased in volume, taking me out of my thoughts and paperwork. "Come in," I replied to the knocking. Alexia came in with my sister Christina behind her.

"Is everything okay?" Alexia asked.

"I need something to wake me up," I replied with a wry smile.

"Right away," Alexia said with a knowing smile. She turned and departed seconds later, leaving me alone in the room with my sister.

"It seems we are being recalled soon," Christina told me, and I nodded.

"Ralph was a traitor," I replied, "The missing documents were just that, Missing and in a space ring that he planned to sell to the Empire of Garnok. Now our nation's plans will be moving forward faster, so they do not have time to react when we attack as our original plans stated." I told her, looking up from the mountain of papers.

Christina looked at me with no expression and asked, "So what will you be doing?"

"I have many things to be doing," I began, "Hell, I have so many loose ends I have to ask others, including yourself, to help me with some of them. But, I need to ask," I said, standing up from my desk and stretching. "Before I can start asking you the right questions, I need to ask you what your intentions are, Christina? Will you be heading back or continue to build the spy network here?"

"I plan to go back and join the war effort. I am too valuable to leave here in the Demon lands. One of my people will be elevated and take over my duties here. He is good at it, although I think it would be better if he had more experience before I rose him to something like my position." Christina sighed, "Still, and With the Empire, we will need everything that we can to fight them." Christina looked at me as I stretched my neck a little before massaging it a little, "Is that the answer you were looking for?" Christina asked.

I smiled wryly, "The answer that I was looking for?" I replied with a rhetorical question, "No, I wasn't looking for any answer, in particular, to be honest. The answer you gave me was the one that I was expecting." I told her, and I moved out from behind the desk, pointing to one of the two couches. "No, I wasn't expecting anything in particular, but it does give me a couple of questions I can ask so that this conversation can move forward," I replied as Christina sat down, and I took the one across from her.

I leaned back and commented, "Went from being at a desk to a couch; sitting down all day is annoying, I think I should do a Spar soon to loosen me up," I shook my head and looked at Christina, "So how much do you know about my work here in the Demon lands? How much do you know I have accomplished?" I asked.

Christina raised an eyebrow, surprised at the sudden question. "I know what; when I came with Anthoney, you discovered a potion that might change the course of the war. I also know that you have brokered a deal to get the Demon lands to clear the waters between our nations of the ongoing Pirates. This has increased trade between our nations, although that is still only in the starting stages." Christina paused, thinking, "I know that even further to increase Trade that you are working on the Free Trade Agreement. My sources say though that things have slowed down on this, though."

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