The Brother

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There were no words to describe how Team Azula felt right now.

All of the words that they could think of.

Awkward, furious, and hateful failed to properly convey their feelings on their situation.

And now they all sat in restraints with their backs against the cold steel of the desolate military prison.

They stared with varying ranges of emotion in their seething eyes back at the young man seated across from them.

As poor Elle shook in her seat with her back against the wall while her amber eyes were still as wide as can be.

"Why the long face, dear sister? You look like you've seen a ghost." Felix taunted with a small smirk on his lips while he gazed back at his little sister's still pale face.

He regarded the older girl's enraged faces with a devious smile.

" did you get here, Felix?" Elle asked in a barely perceivable voice with her amber eyes staring in dread back at her older brother's ever amused face.

As her princess sat imposingly above her with her beautiful regal lips entrenched in a tight glower.

"I have been wondering when I would get a chance to meet you. So, that I could have the pleasure of killing you myself." Azula spoke in a chilling voice while her callous amber golden eyes glared intimidatingly back at the young man's gratingly entertained face.

"I have been dying to meet you too...Firecracker!" Felix exclaimed with a cackle while the highborn women stared back in bewilderment.

The princess's amber golden eyes narrowed into slits as she cast a piercing stare in the boy's direction.

As her mind raced with how the boy even knew who she was.

"You, monster! I am going to blacken your aura and your face for all of the cruel abuse that you put Elle through!" Ty Lee exclaimed with sisterly rage in her usually kind voice while glared daggers back at the boy's amused face.

"Why did they put us in here with him?" Mai grumbled in a seething voice with her tawny eyes staring coldly back at the man.

"I wager to make our experience here as unpleasant as possible." Zoi commented flatly as she gazed back at the young man's demented face with stony golden eyes.

" did you know about Azula-sama? She just got here. You couldn't possibly know who she was." Elle stated with her paranoid amber eyes staring in great distrust back at her brother's devious countenance.

Her four highborn friends exchanged a quiet look before they turned their cold eyes back to the chained young man seated across from them.

"Azula-sama? You call her Azula-sama?" Felix queried in a taunting voice with his loud laughter echoing in the cell while he gazed back at the princess's seething amber golden gaze.

"S-she's royalty and it is only proper that she be treated with respect." Elle answered in a fretful voice as she chewed on her lip while her big sisters glared back at her older brother's cruel face.

Azula's much taller frame sat above her small servant with her icy amber golden eyes wrathfully burning a hole through the boy's cackling forehead.

"I take it that my sister has told you ladies all about me, and all of the horrible things that she claims that I have done to her..." Felix trailed off in a playful voice with his amber eyes gazing delightfully back at the older girl's enraged faces.

Ty Lee nearly snapped out a venomous retort only for the princess's ruthless voice to beat her to it.

"You are a fool if you think that you can deceive me. And twice the fool if you presume yourself worthy of my time." Azula sneered in a sophisticated voice with her full lips smacked together in her fury while she glared back at the man's chuckling visage.

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