Blood and Chocolate Covered Cherries

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At the candy store in the royal market.

Azula stepped imposingly into the vast store with her callous amber golden eyes gazing down at her young girlfriend's pretty face.

As she reached for her coin purse to purchase whatever the girl wanted.

Only to find herself glancing down with a flash of bewilderment in her ruthless eyes when she felt a gentle hand touch her own.

"That's not necessarily, Azula-sama. I have been saving up my pay. I'll cover it." Elle stated in an endearing voice as she smiled up at the older woman while Azula arched her brows over her.

"You've been saving up your pay for candy?" Azula asked in a voice of royal elegance as she stared down at her girlfriend's jubilant countenance.

"Now I need you to turn around and step outside the shop, Azula-sama." Elle commented in a cutely mischievous voice while the princess now narrowed her amber golden eyes down at her in a piercing glare.

"Just what are you planning? And who do you think you are to give your mistress an order?" Azula questioned in a severely strict voice as she glared down at her handmaid's grudgingly adorable smiling face.

"It's a surprise, Azula-sama. I can't tell you. Now please step outside the shop." Elle requested in a sunny voice as her princess scowled down at her with her amber golden eyes sending a pleasant shiver down her spine.

"It's not your place to give your queen orders, peasant." Azula snorted in a haughty voice as she folded her arms over her breasts while she tried to ascertain what her girlfriend was planning.

Only to find herself glaring down at the girl when Elle actually had the gall to glare back at her.

"Please step outside the shop Princess, or I won't give you any foot rubs for a whole month." Elle huffed as she stared up at her princess's now glowering face.

"Now listen here, peasant..." Azula growled with her amber golden eyes glaring down at her pet's unyielding face.

A scowl adorned her lips as she snapped a spoiled finger down in her little girlfriend's smiling face.

"You had better hope that this is worth my time. Because if it isn't...I will punish you!" Azula barked with a pompous snort as she jabbed her finger in her girlfriend's pretty face while her handmaid beamed up at her.

Before she turned around with her boots stomping across the floor of the large candy store.

And then she pushed open the door with an irate hand while she started to close it.

Just as she strategically left it open a crack as she just barely outside with her amber golden eyes glaring off into the distance.

Only to find herself turning to gaze over her shoulder through the corner of her domineering eye when heard her serving girl's lovely voice flow into her ear.

"Hello! Is my order ready?" Elle asked in a kindly voice as she smiled widely back at the owner of the candy store.

The princess stood outside as she tried to squash the tiny blush that almost formed on her proud cheeks.

"It sure is. Everything is all set." The owner of the candy store answered as she lifted a large box onto the counter.

"Everything is perfect right?" Elle inquired in a fretful voice as she bit her lip while the owner of the store hurriedly nodded her head.

"O-of course everything is perfect. Like I would sell anything for the princess that wasn't perfect." The confectioner assured in a hastened voice.

Azula's ears perked up after hearing those words as she shamelessly tried to peak over her shoulder.

The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic)Where stories live. Discover now