Lessons in Ban

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The princess discreetly glanced up from her paperwork when her servant returned with a fresh cup in hand.

"Prompt as usual. You please me very much, Elle." Azula commented with a hum while gazing up when her handmaid set her cup down before her.

"I am honored that you think so, Azula-sama." Elle spoke with a soft smile before sitting down at the foot of the woman's throne while amber golden eyes peered down at her in a pleased manner.

"You are going to sit by my feet while I lecture you?" Azula pondered while staring down at her handmaid leaning in to rest her head against her knee.

"Since it is considered improper for a servant to share a bed with her mistress. I wish to spend as much time beside you as I can in other ways. To that end I would much rather sit at your feet." Elle answered serenely peering up at her princess looming above her with her red lips curving into a refined smirk.

"Hm. You like sitting at my feet?" Azula purred just as she reached down to plant her hand in the girl's hair while Elle began to push her face into her pant leggings.

"T-that's so, Azula-sama." Elle murmured shyly with heated cheeks while the woman's hand continued to pat her head.

"I suppose I could allow it. It is a fitting place for you. You are my pet after all." Azula commented while gulping down a sip of her tea with her palm possessively clutching at her little servant's plush hair.

"I am!" Elle agreed with warm laughter while the princess stared down at her with her cup in hand.

"Now then...where were we? Fire Nation currency." Azula stated casually just as she folded one leg over the other while Elle still clung to her leg that remained on the floor.

"Yes, I need to know how to determine the appropriate amount per transaction." Elle replied with a smile that never wavered even when a pointed boot hung in her face.

"That's right. You don't mind my boot in your face do you, servant?" Azula inquired lazily while glancing down at her pretty handmaid sitting unbothered by her boot lingering in her eyes.

"Oh no, Her Highness's comfort is deeply important to me. By all means, Azula-sama...do what makes you most comfortable." Elle chimed in a gentle voice while she hung onto her mistress's long leg.

"I can assure you I will. I was only asking because I am fond of you. Now back to currency. Our currency is called the ban. There are three different pieces of ban. Copper, silver, and gold. Gold is the most valuable, and silver after that...and copper the least." Azula instructed in a patient voice while she continued to absentmindedly pet the girl's head.

"I get it! But I don't know the worth of what you paid me...I don't...give away the entire bag do I?" Elle questioned in a childlike voice while she chewed on her lip thoughtfully.

"Give away the...no! You don't give away an entire bag of gold for whatever peasant urge is sure to strike your fancy!" Azula barked with a roll of her amber golden eyes while her handmaid gazed up at her with a finger adorably pushing on her lip.

"Huh! That's all gold?" Elle spoke with innocent puzzlement in her voice while the princess glanced down at her grunting in mild annoyance.

"Of course, it is all gold, girl. What did you think? That Princess Azula pays in coppers?" Azula snorted while staring down at her pet's naïve little face with deadpan eyes.

"I didn't even know that I got paid! This is all new to me. An entire bag of gold..." Elle trailed off just as she folded her arms as if thinking the matter over deeply.

"Yes, servant...an entire bag..." Azula confirmed flatly while gazing down at her favored servant in a manner akin to a parent speaking slowly so their child will understand.

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