A Woman Named Lana

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Team Azula stood in a sense of numb shock as they watched the previously joyful town transform into a scene of pure terror and chaos.

It was an utterly gut-wrenching sight to see after witnessing all of Elle's joyful memories with her mother.

Even to a hardened woman like Zoi it was a brutal sight.

And for as cold and ruthless as Azula was.

She couldn't help but gaze on at the terrorized settlement with her callous amber golden eyes expressing a conflicted emotion.

Only to turn her head to find herself watching her girlfriend's child self-running in a panic through the streets.

As gunfire raged in the streets while they watched with horrified eyes as the advancing soldiers mercilessly cut down anyone that was in their way.

Mai and Ty Lee stared on in disgust and anger as they listened to the haunting screams of people all throughout the town.

And Ty Lee's eyes now dripped with tears as she clenched her fists at her hip.

And even Zoi found herself unable to fight the repulsed scowl from forming on her lips.

It was one thing to kill the enemy on the battlefield, but to butcher a town of unarmed civilians was the ultimate act of cowardice.

Without even realizing it Azula instinctively moved to protect Elle only for her eyes to widen helplessly when the child ran straight through her leg.

Azula could only stare on with uncharacteristic emotion in her callous amber golden eyes while she watched the little girl run past her.

Elle's fearful cries stirred something deep within her as her crimson lips shook in a furious snarl.

"M-mom! Dad! Felix!" Elle cried out in a distraught voice with her amber eyes agape in fright just as she rounded a corner.

Only to spin her head around as she watched with widened eyes as armored vehicles rolled up in the distance.

Another round of tank fire thundered throughout the air while the child froze up with her innocent eyes welling up in incomprehension while people ran past her in a panic.


An explosion shook the street while Elle stared on with disbelief in her naïve eyes.

Just as another hand grasped a hold of hers as she suddenly found herself being pulled the street.

Only to gaze on wide eyed when she found herself gazing back at the redhead's panicked face.

"W-what's happening! Why are they doing this!" Elle blurted out in a destroyed voice while the older girl dashed down the street.

They ran by countless crowds of people that were pouring to escape the burning town.

One such person was a little girl with brown hair and terrified green eyes sprinting up behind them.

The redhead brushed the question off as she pulled the terrified blonde to safety.

"I-I'm so scared! Where are my parents!" The child with brown hair shouted in a lost voice while countless panic-stricken adults nearly trampled her in their rush to escape.

"We need to get out of here! Come on!" The nameless orphan exclaimed with her hand gripping Elle's while the younger girl cried out in despair.

"B-but I need to find my family! I can't leave without them!" Elle cried out in a pain-stricken voice while the redhead brushed up her concerns.

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