The Dawn of the Apostles

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Smoke overfilled into the air as Victoria stared on with her brown eyes flashing in fright while her master stood seething before the deactivated gateway.

Andromeda stood watching the emperor with cold gray eyes while a fleet of soldiers gathered behind her.

The mighty emperor stood with her back turned to her subordinates as she gazed down with greatly angered blue eyes.

And then she slammed her mighty fist into the wall of the cavern as her soldiers visibly flinched behind her when the wall began to shake under the force of her strength.

"It's been rendered inert! I was so close! Damn that Nero!" Reiko snarled with her fist buried in the wall of the sunken cave.

She glared down at the inactive gateway with her blue eyes just brimming with rage.

'This wouldn't have happened...if I had not been so gracious with that girl!' Reiko thought with her blue eyes narrowing in fury as she exhaled a cold breath from her pursed lips.

But what other choice had she had?

She couldn't just savage the daughter of Lana Turner.

But even so...

She will not make the same error twice.

The next time that she sees the Fire Princess and her subordinates she will not hesitate to shatter them all into crystals of ice if need be!

"This wouldn't have occurred if you actually taken the initiative to ensure that Nero was truly dead or at the very least down for the count. A lot of good your 'divine' might did you." Andromeda remarked in a blunt voice with her arms folded over her breasts while Reiko visibly stiffened in wrath.

Victoria's facial expression broke out into one of fear as she stood fearfully waiting for their leader's fury to be turned on them.

As the foot soldiers stared on with a justified terror in their eyes as the emperor turned around to glare back their way.

"I strongly advise that you choose your next words carefully, Andromeda." Reiko commented in a hardened voice with her blue eyes glaring back at the younger woman's face.

"It's the truth and you know it! If I was emperor, I would have placed that girl in chains the moment I first laid eyes on her!" Andromeda insisted with a defiant gleam in her eyes while the soldiers took fearful steps backwards.

And not a second later the emperor's fist connected with the younger woman's cheek.

As the army stood deathly silent as the outspoken airbender was sent soaring to the ground on her ice crying out in pain.

The older woman now towered high above the younger women with her blue eyes glaring frigidly down at her.

"You are not emperor, Andromeda. I am. Never forget that one constant in your life." Reiko stated in an imperious voice while she stared ruthlessly down at her bruised subordinate's now frightfully nodding face.

Victoria and the other soldiers stood still as their ruler turned to glare back at the deactivated gateway.

As the anticipation in the air only continued to rise as the statuesque older woman closed her eyes as she exhaled ominously.

Every soldier present audibly swallowed as the titanic chi on woman's muscular body seeped dangerously into the air before their fearful eyes.

"To think that this is what I get for being charitable." Reiko spoke in a livid voice while she smashed her fist at her womanly hip as her aura overflowed into the frozen air.

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