Day Two at Academy

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The princess sat in her royal robes with her arms resting on the sides of her wooden seat in the royal spa while she stared back at her young girlfriend's emotional face.

"I took care of him for you. He won't hit you ever again." Azula informed in a pridefully harsh voice while her amber golden eyes surveyed her serving girl's smiling face.

And not a second later the princess sighed when two arms embraced her around the neck.

"Arigatou gozaimasu, Azula-sama! Arigatou!" Elle cried out with her face nuzzling the older woman's neck while she enjoyed the scent of her princess's freshly washed hair.

As a shy smile adorned her lips as she felt a strong hand gingerly pat her back.

"Keep your voice down, girl. I have a reputation to maintain." Azula snapped in a moody voice as she glared down at her handmaid's pretty grinning face.

It was fortunate for her sake that her father was far too busy with the recent uprisings and the war to concern himself with her private activities.

But even still...she had to be careful.

She could not risk being seen showing her girlfriend any affection outside of her private chambers.

Only to find herself torn from her thoughts not a moment later when her stomach let out a protesting grumble.

She stared on with smug amber golden eyes when her little girlfriend sprang to her feet in a lovable panic.

Only for her smirk to grow when she watched her handmaid bow before her at the hip.

"Azula-sama! I know that I have to focus most of my time on academy now...but I would really like to cook your dinner as a show of my appreciation for protecting me. That is...if Her Highness will allow it." Elle stated in a gentle-hearted voice with a sunny expression on her face.

Her princess smiled back at her with one of her hands resting on the underside of her chin.

"Oh, very well. I suppose I could allow it. You just can't resist serving me...can you dear?" Azula remarked in a voice of natural authority as she smirked fondly back at her young girlfriend's blushing face.

"N-no, Azula-sama...I can't." Elle replied in a lovable voice as she twiddled her thumbs as she averted her eyes from the older girl's entrancing amber golden gaze.

"As it should be. A princess is meant to be served." Azula commented with a vastly gratified smile on her lips while she watched her girlfriend bow before her once more.

"T-that's so! My princess must be worshiped at all times, and I shall see it done." Elle chirped in a sweet voice as she smiled back at her mistress's beautifully smirking face.

Azula lounged in her seat with a beyond pleased gleam in her amber golden eyes as her lips curved into a large grin.

"Your goddess is pleased by your devotion, servant. Now...listen well. I am going to give you my order for dinner." Azula spoke in a beyond commanding voice with her delighted eyes gazing back at her beloved's shyly smiling face.

"W-what can I get you, Azula-sama?" Elle asked in a voice of endless loyalty while she found herself lost in Azula's charming smile once more.

"I would like..." Azula trailed off in a flawlessly refined voice with her hands folded in her lap.

She watched in satisfaction as her serving girl recorded the order in her little notepad from her homeland.

And about a minute later.

Elle bowed once more as she headed for the door of the royal spa.

But not before she paused to turn around and smile back at the older woman's strict face.

The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic)Where stories live. Discover now