The Faces in the Mystic Fire

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Azula plopped back down in the chair as she folded her arms over her breasts while she still glared icily at the old woman hunched over her flames.

She glanced down through the corner of her eye to watch her young girlfriend sit back down at her booted feet with her legs folded beneath her.

'She is mine. I own her. And she will serve me for all of her days. And if anyone should try to change that...then they will die. In agony.' Azula thought with her nostrils releasing more fire in her foul mood as she gazed down at her pet in a possessive amber golden stare.

"Is there anything else that you saw in the flames with your sight?" Elle questioned in a respectful voice that starkly contrasted her girlfriend's cold attitude while she gazed on in wonderment.

Mai and Ty Lee seemed at least relieved that Elle was proving capable of possibly convincing Azula to try to be nicer.

Even if it was only by a tiny margin.

Considering that it was Azula they were talking about it was no small feat.

"Mhm. A matter pertaining to the princess's greatest nemesis. A force even greater than the scarred brother, the shadowed traitor, the scientist, and the hunter combined." Mava spoke with her back turned to the group while the princess stared on with paranoid amber golden eyes.

"I order you to tell me everything you know about this enemy, or you will be spending the rest of your 'golden' years screaming in a dark cell!" Azula commanded in a merciless voice with a scowl on her cold lips while her childhood friends groaned once more.

And even Zoi herself managed to let out a sigh under her breath.

"Wise Sage! Please tell us the nature of Azula-sama's enemy!" Elle exclaimed in a sweet voice as she leaned forward with innocent concern in her amber eyes while her girlfriend huffed over her.

"Hm. It is an enemy that even the mighty Zoi Song is unable to defeat. One capable of bypassing the entire palace guard with ease that the scientist could only dream of." Mava stated with her hands over the fire while the group listened in a piqued silence.

"Please, Wise Sage. Tell us the name of this powerful warrior that will rend the princess low." Zoi spoke with her arms folded over her breasts while Azula glared at her from the corner of her eye.

Just as all eyes turned to the old woman as she slowly turned to face them.

Before her glazed golden eyes soon met the princess's callous amber golden stare.

"This powerful warrior's name is none other than..." Mava trailed off in a thoughtful voice with a finger under her chin while the five waited in suspense.

As the princess still stared icily at her before she opened her mouth to reply.

"The cherry pit." Mava answered finally with a twinge of a smug grin on her lips while the three highborn women blinked comically as their princess's amber golden eyes widened in murderous outrage.

Only for Zoi to burst out into roaring laughter as she chortled against the wall while Azula breathed fire out of her nostrils as she glared at the chuckling firebender.

Just as Mai soon joined the other noblewoman in amused laughter with Ty Lee making a poor effort to stifle her own chuckles.

And the only one taken the revelation seriously was Elle herself who was gazing on with deadly serious amber eyes.

"Silence! All three of you! And you, old hag! I am about to relocate you to a nursing home called Boiling Rock!" Azula roared with fire escaping her lips as she seethed in her seat while her fists crushed the side of her chair.

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