The Promise

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Three hours later at Hari Bulkan Prison.

The sound of heavy metal door opening up echoed into the air.

Mai glanced up from where she sat in her cell as she listened to the sound of footsteps striding her way.

Only for her tawny eyes to widen a fraction in surprise to see Azula come to a stop standing outside her cell.

Azula gazed back at the incarcerated woman with callous amber golden eyes as she folded her arms over her breasts.

"Mai. You have a visitor." Azula stated in her usual impassive voice as she stared at her childhood friend's taken aback face.

Mai turned to gaze past her royal friend only for her eyes to flicker with a moved emotion when she saw her adopted sister come scampering up behind the princess.

"Elle?" Mai greeted in a surprised voice while she watched Elle rush forward to her cell door.

"Oneesan, Mai! Are...are you alright! Are they treating you okay!" Elle cried out in a fretful voice as she stood before the bars while her big sister cracked a small smile back at her.

"Kid. What are you doing here?" Mai asked with a tiny margin of fondness in her voice while she watched the princess step up beside the girl.

"I was worried about you, and I wanted to see how you were doing. So, Azula-sama brought me here to see you." The handmaid responded in a sweet voice as she seated herself before the bars while she gazed into the cell at the noblewoman's recovering face.

Mai gazed at the younger girl's gentle visage with an appreciation reflecting in her tawny eyes.

Before she turned her gaze to Azula's emotionless face knowing full well that the girl had to have pestered the princess a great deal to allow her to come here.

"The girl has been weeping for days because of you. She had this preposterous notion that Boiling Rock meant that you were going to be boiled alive." Azula snorted in a callous voice while she glared into the noblewoman's remorseful tawny eyes.

"I am sorry for causing you more sorrow, Elle." Mai stated with a rare sense of guilt in her composed voice as she gazed out her cell at her adopted sister's movingly emotional face.

Her tawny gaze softened when she watched the young girl brace grasp onto the arms of her cell.

As the princess stood above her with her ruthless amber golden eyes staring coldly back into the cell.

"Don't be sorry, Mai. You know me. I wear my heart on my sleeve." Elle commented as she leaned in to peer back into Mai's regretful eyes while the woman sighed fondly in her cell.

"And just so we're clear. The only reason that I am allowing this little visit is because you are interfering with the quality of my foot rubs." Azula remarked in a beyond spoiled voice as she studied the fingernails on her fist while she gazed back at her incarcerated friend's now deadpan face.

"Foot rubs, Azula? Is that really what this is all about?" Mai inquired in a monotone voice while she gazed past her little sister at the princess's arrogant face.

"This morning I wanted a foot massage and instead of massaging my feet she broke down crying. Not only have you betrayed me. Because of you I haven't had a proper foot massage in two whole days." Azula complained in a haughty voice as she glared down at her handmaid's still sentimental face while the noblewoman rolled her tawny eyes.

"It sounds like you really suffered, Azula. I don't know how you managed to survive." Mai stated in a sarcastic voice while Azula just sighed as if it was a great hardship to shoulder.

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