As One Journey Ends, Another Begins

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Azula stood glaring before the mystic pools once more while her subordinates stood waiting behind her.

"Show yourself, Mother of Faces! Mava the Sage has informed me that you are in my debt, and I assure you that I intend to collect!" Azula called out with her amber golden eyes staring down at the glistening waters that they had traveled through a short time ago.

The rest of the team stared on with fascinated looks in their eyes when the water began to emit a magical glow.

As the group gazed up in awe when a massive spirit arose up from the depths of the majestic waters!

And soon after that the ancient spirit reared up with her three faces now gazing ominously back down at the team.

While all but Azula and Zoi gazed back up at the spirit's faces with unnerved looks in their eyes.

"That's...that's a scary looking spirit." Nako stated in a skittish voice as she took a fearful step back.

Only for her brown eyes to turn to her princess in admiration when she saw that her leader was even not flinching from the ancient spirit's angered gaze.

The rest of the group stood in silence as they gazed between their princess and the large spirit.

As the two glared at each other for what seemed like an eternity.

"Mava must learn to stop meddling in the affairs of spirits." The Mother of Faces spoke with her three faces scowling down at the group.

While making sure that she never took her eyes off the young Component holder standing behind the arrogant princess.

The mighty princess stood before her timid girlfriend with her amber golden eyes forming a callous glare.

"I don't really care what Mava needs to learn. Is it true that my mother came to you eleven years ago in search of a new face?" Azula snarled in a ruthlessly poised voice with her eyes staring at the looming Mother of Faces.

As the others still gazed on with transfixed expressions in their captivated eyes.

"It is the truth. Eleven years ago, Princess Ursa came to see me to escape the abuse of a vile demon that she called husband...a man by the name of Fire Lord Ozai." The Mother of Faces announced in a soft voice that contrasted her imposing visage while the princess's amber golden eyes grew with in an overload of emotion.

While everyone else stood in a state of speechlessness over the way that their Fire Lord was addressed by the spirit as if he was the lowest order of life.

Elle bit her lip as she stood behind her mistress with her sympathetic amber eyes gazing at the much taller woman's trembling back.

Azula's dark hair now shadowed her eyes as she stood with her burning fists clenched at her womanly hips.

Mai and Ty Lee remained in an unusually sorrowful quiet behind her.

"I was so moved by her plea that I granted her my one wish for that season, and now she is Princess Ursa no more. Now she is finally free...of the cruelty that is the Fire Nation Royal Family." The Mother of Faces remarked with her many faces gazing down at the shocked Fire Nation group.

Azula's lips pursed into a regal glower with her head hanging low.

As she felt a gentle hand reach out to touch her on her bicep.

"It was my servant and I that disposed of the invaders that were trespassing in your domain. In return for the service that we performed for you...I demand that you show me the face that my mother now wears." Azula commanded with her teeth clenched together while she glared up at the towering spirit.

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