The Bridge Between Worlds

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A rocky overlook loomed over the horizon in the foggy realm.

While countless bizarre and mystical structures littered the landscape for as far as their eye could see.

It had been nearly an hour since the team had left the Realm of Koh and Ty Lee just now felt as if she was free to breathe a sigh of relief.

"I hope we never see that spirit again." Ty Lee stated at long last with her heart still racing in terror while Azula rolled her amber golden eyes.

"I found him to be quite forthcoming...for the most part." Azula spoke with a still present smile on her lips while her childhood friends shivered beside her.

"We'll be seeing him again soon if we don't make good on our end of the deal." Mai commented quietly with her tawny eyes gazing in discomfort ahead while Ty Lee grimaced over the reminder.

"Well then. We'll just have to give him your face. It's not like you need it. You don't ever smile anyhow." Zoi insulted in a nonchalant voice as she walked ahead of the other noblewoman while Mai now glared daggers at the back of her head.

"Shut up, Zoi." Mai replied with just a spark of energy in her dispassionate voice while the captain just smiled back at her.

"Failure will not be tolerated on this mission. Do I make myself clear?" Azula declared in a frigid voice as she turned to gaze imposingly back at her subordinates while they quickly nodded their heads.

"Azula-sama? I have a question." Elle announced in an adorable voice as she raised her hand like a child in class while her mistress turned to her with approving amber golden eyes.

"What is it, Elle?" Azula inquired in an ever-authoritative voice with her fists planted on her shapely hips while she gazed down at her petite follower.

The highborn women waited patiently as their young friend thoughtfully chewed on her lower lip.

Before she turned to peer up at them with a contemplative look in her amber eyes.

"Since that spirit took the face of a Roman soldier...then do you think that the people from our worlds may have interacted long ago?" Elle in a curious voice with her amber eyes gazing up at her princess's intrigued face while her mistress rose an intelligent brow in consideration.

As her big sisters gazed on with wonder in their eyes as they mulled over the possibility.

"Romans...are they a prominent people in your homeland?" Zoi asked in a fascinated voice with her golden eyes gazing down at the younger girl's gentle face in a desire to know more.

"They were. Roman society existed under various forms for well over two thousand years. In ancient times they were the world's greatest power, but over time they gradually lost influence. Until they finally collapsed almost six hundred years ago during the Fall of Constantinople." Elle explained in an informative voice as she gazed up at Zoi's impressed countenance.

The princess and the two noblewomen once more listened with gazes of fascination in their eyes.

"Incredible. They were quite the long-lasting civilization." Zoi remarked in a tone of respect while Azula stood with a well-manicured fingernail under her chin.

"If there truly is a World Gateway...that is a likely probability. At the very least it would imply that this...Koh has visited your homeland once before." Azula spoke in a deductive voice with her stoic gaze staring back at her four subordinates enthralled faces.

"Then that just makes this moment all the more memorable." Elle stated with a sentimental smile growing upon her lips while she gazed up at her friend's bewildered faces.

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