A Poem for the Princess

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After Elle had finished eating Azula had dismissed her.

She had been sent back to her servants' quarters where she spent the remainder of her time laying on her back working on her artbook.

Elle quirked her lips while humming thoughtfully as she continued to paint her princess's divine face.

"Hm. It could be better.... couldn't it?" Elle pondered while tilting her head adorably in deep thought.

Even when she was alone her primary thought was always Azula.

She spent so much time on it that she fell asleep with her book in full display upon her lap.

In the early morning Azula strode through the halls of the palace before coming to a stop before the girl's servant quarters.

It was nearly a full hour before her servant was scheduled to get up.

But after waking up herself for some reason she felt like checking to see if the girl was already awake.

Could it be that she actually sought the company of a mere commoner?

For reasons that escaped her she opened the door quietly almost as if she was concerned with waking Elle up too early.

She chalked it up to being concerned about effecting the girl's coming labors in the day ahead.

When the door opened Azula glanced inside the modest room only to sweatdrop when saw Elle sprawled out on her bed snoring.

Elle was laying upon her back with her legs stretched out and a blanket half covering her robed body while her mistress observed her in amusement.

'I am not sure why I expected her to be up earlier than scheduled. Though...I will admit. She is...cute.' Azula thought as she began to close the door.

Only to pause when her amber golden eyes caught the glimpse of a large sketchbook lying face up on the girl's belly.

With her curiosity piqued Azula began to silently stride into the room with her arms folded over her breasts.

And then very carefully as if still fearing waking her pet she lit a small flame in the palm of her hand.

With the room lightly illuminated by her blue fire she gazed down at the petite servant's snoring quietly face.

What she saw in the opened pages of the artwork caused her eyes to widen in surprise.

Paint supplies were scattered about on the floor beside a small container.

And gazing up at her on full display was a painting of her by the lake!

The detail of the piece was simply astounding.

It was almost comparable to the paintings that lined the halls of the palace!

In the painting she was sitting with her legs folded beneath her while she gazed out over the waterside.

The title was in a puzzling foreign print with characters that she was unfamiliar with.

Princess Azula Lakeside.

It took a great deal to take her by surprise but this...

Her little servant had been painting her from the bushes!

And just like that the blue fire vanished while she stood over the slumbering teenager with her cruel eyes once more conveying a rare fondness.

'She...really likes me.' Azula thought with the hints of a blush upon her cheeks as she turned away from Elle while the girl began to roll over in her sleep.

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