Conquer You

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The following day.

In a private quarters Mai stood in workout clothes with a bead of sweat dripping down her forehead.

She gazed back with unusually focused tawny eyes at a butchered training dummy as she panted slightly while wiping the sweat from her forehead.

"I'm not...going to let Zoi get the best of me. I swear I'll show her." Mai muttered under her breath with her fist clenching in determination.

Only to swiftly turn her head when she heard a light knocking on her chamber door.

"Oneesan? Can I come in?" Elle called out from the other side while Mai straightened with her cold eyes taking on a softer tint.

"Yeah. Little sister. Come in." Mai responded as she turned to face the door while she watched her adopted sister shyly open the door.

Only for her tawny eyes to widen ever so slight when she saw that the younger girl was carrying two fresh cups of juice with a slice of fruit in each.

"I didn't know that you were busy...should I go?" The handmaid chimed in an uncertain voice as she took in the older woman's workout attire.

Only for the noblewoman to quickly shake her head as she watched her big sister rush over to greet her.

"No. I am never too busy for you, kid. What's with the juice?" Mai pondered as she used a towel to wipe off her upper body while the smaller girl smiled brightly as she shut the door behind her.

"Oh! I noticed that you seemed troubled earlier, so I thought I would come see if you would like a cup of juice." Elle answered in a helpful voice while Mai's eyes softened as she turned to gaze back at her.

"Thank you, Elle. That is very kind of you. I appreciate it." Mai assured with a small smile cracking on her usually dour lips as she set her towel down.

"No problem! Anything for my big sister!" The handmaid chirped as the older girl gazed at her fondly before gesturing to a luxurious love seat in the farther end of the room.

"Come on. Have a seat with me. We'll share juice together." Mai remarked with a nod while the younger girl padded after her.

"I would love that, Mai." Elle replied before she plopped down on the love seat while Mai seated herself beside her.

And then Mai offered Elle a grateful smile as she accepted her fresh cup of juice before she gently placed her hand on the innocent girl's shoulder.

"Just what I needed. Thanks again, kid." Mai spoke with a measure of affection in her unsocial voice while Elle smiled up at her.

"You know me! I am always happy to help!" The handmaid piped in a chipper voice with her bright smile seeming to bring a grin to the gloomy noblewoman's lips.

"Yeah. I do. So, what are the others up to?" Mai conversed as she took a calm sip of her juice while her little sister did the same.

"Nothing much. Ty Lee is in the shower, and Azula-sama is in a private meeting with Zoi. They say that we'll land ashore tomorrow." Elle informed as she leaned back in her seat while Mai nodded as she lounged beside her.

"That's good I suppose." Mai muttered as she allowed the smaller girl to scoot closer to her.

"May I ask what's bothering you, Mai?" The handmaid questioned in a concerned voice while the noblewoman glanced down at her with appreciative tawny eyes.

"I think you already know the answer to that question, Elle." Mai stated with a frown gracing her lips while her little sister chewed on her lip in the way that she had come to find adorable.

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