The Sage in the Valley

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The group stood in a shocked silence as the serving girl gazed up into the hunched over old woman's glazed eyes.

"Y-you were waiting for me?" Elle pondered in an awed voice while Azula stood beside her with her amber golden eyes still agape in bewilderment.

Only for everyone to stare on in surprise when the old woman abruptly shouted in the gulping girl's face.

"Yes, child I was! What took you so long!" Mava barked in the young girl's face before swatting the yelping teenager over the head.

The group watched their young friend whimper as she nursed thee bump on her head.

As Ty Lee smiled as she noticed how the princess's amber golden eyes lit up violently as soon as her little sister was swatted over the head.

"S-sumimasen! I had a lot of work to do for Azula-sama! Ow!" Elle explained as she backed away from the swinging staff while her princess scowled at the older woman.

"No excuses!" Mava shouted while the others gazed on in amusement at the humorous scene.

"Cease this stupid behavior at once you, senile old-" Azula snapped only for her callous eyes to widen murderously when the wooden stick slammed down on her skull.

"I thought I told you to get!" Mava shrieked as the three noblewomen smirked at the scene while the princess exhaled fire through her nostrils.

"Now calm down, Azula...ahh! What did I do!" Ty Lee cried out after being swatted over the head while Mai stared on with deadpan tawny eyes beside her.

Only for Mai to find herself too wincing not a moment later when she was swatted over the head.

"Must be dementia." Jiao stated rudely with a smile while she stood further back at a safe distance as the others gazed on in agreement.

"Are you done, old woman?" Azula growled in a cold voice with her ruthless eyes glaring a hole through the hermit's head while her soldier smirked in entertainment.

Just as the mysterious sage turned to gaze deeply back into Elle's innocent amber eyes before she pursed her lips into a frown.

"Me, and you have much to discuss." Mava informed in an elusive voice while the others watched in renewed aww.

"W-we do?" Elle questioned in a voice of gentle curiosity while she balanced Naoki on her shoulder just as the sage nodded.

Before turning past the others perplexed faces as she gazed down at Naoki's slumbering face.

"This bizarre." Nako muttered with Saro nodded in wonderment beside her.

"My word. This one has such dark chi." Mava commented in a vague voice with the unnerved members of the group turning to gaze at Naoki's unconscious face.

'Dark chi? How fascinating...' Azula thought with a finger curling up underneath her lip as she regarded Naoki in increasing intrigue.

"Well that sounds promising..." Ty Lee sighed as she gazed at the motionless girl in curiosity.

"Y-yeah well. That doesn't surprise me. She's killed a whole bunch of people." Elle muttered in a reflective voice with the girl passed out against her shoulder.

Mai grimaced as she gazed hard at Naoki's seemingly asleep face with a narrowed tawny eye.

The more she heard about the girl.

The less she liked her leaning on Elle's side.

"And she will kill many, many more." Mava continued with her glazed eyes staring back at the young girl's flinching face.

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