The Assassin and the Pacifist

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Many weeks ago.

The wind swept through the air in the barren ruins of what was left of the destroyed settlement.

Naoki gazed up at the lone memorial with an emotionless look in her brown eyes.

The inscription was in numerous languages.

But no matter the language, the solemn message was the same.

A Memorial to the Rosa Massacre.

Naoki stared up at the monument with her expressionless eyes for what felt like an eternity.

She turned around to walk away with her cloak swaying softly in the breeze as she quietly made her way through the desolate remains of the ghost town.

Back in the present.

Naoki stood on a cliff with her cold brown eyes staring out over the valley at the four mystic pools below.

The shimmering light of the Spirit World portal lit the roof of the vast forest.

Her crimson red hair blew in her machinelike eyes as she listened to the sound of footsteps approaching up the cliff pathway behind her.

She turned around to face the group while the four highborn women and the handmaid stood rooted to the ground in a taken aback silence.

The team gazed over their shoulders at the several corpses that lay at various points along the slope.

Just as they turned their stunned eyes back to the young assassin's strikingly emotionless brown eyes.

Elle swallowed down her reservations as she clutched at the straps of her backpack while Mai and Ty Lee still gazed at Naoki in a disturbed quiet.

Azula and Zoi quickly recovered as they exchanged a momentary look before they turned their gazes back to the ruthless young supersoldier.

"For such a lethal supersoldier you were woefully simple to track." Azula remarked in a glib undertone with her hands folded behind her back as she took a confident step forward.

As Ty Lee remained back with her unnerved brown-gray eyes still up as Naoki turned to stare back down at them.

"For such a might conqueror. I find it laughable that I was able to take out an entire platoon in the time it took you to dispatch a horde of squirrels." Naoki commented in an unfazed voice with her brown eyes gazing back into Azula's now seething amber golden gaze.

And then the princess's ire to grew even further when she spun around to glare at her captain's chuckling face.

Only for their combined attention to be regained when they turned to gaze down at the four mystical pools below with astonishment in their eyes.

'Is that...the portal to the Spirit World that the old crone spoke about?' Azula thought in a calculated manner with her lips parted in contemplation while she studied the ghostly light below.

She turned to gaze out of the corner of her stern eye when she saw her serving girl padding forward to speak to Naoki.

"I'll talk to her Azula-sama. Just stay back for now." Elle commented in a soft voice as she strode past her girlfriend while Azula scowled down at her.

"Don't you give me orders, peasant." Azula spoke in a pompous voice as she stubbornly crossed her arms over her breasts while her subordinates sighed beside her.

Only for her amber golden eyes to narrow in returning anger when Naoki let out an amused laugh.

While she glared mercilessly back at the young assassin's smiling face.

The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic)Where stories live. Discover now