The Golden Girl in the Rain

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Azula sat gazing out of her palace window as the thunder crackled over the distant skyline.

She reclined in her throne with her hand resting upon her chin while she sat gazing down a paper in her study.

The peasant girl had been simple to track.

As she predicted the girl was living on the street.

And it wasn't exactly hard to track the only person in the Capital with golden hair.

As she sat in her study with her cold eyes swiftly over to the corner of her desk.

She once more gazed upon the fire lily that sat in a small vase.

It had been a day since she had last seen the peasant girl.

With annoyance flowing through every fiber of her being she sighed heavily while pushing herself to her feet.

"I already have plenty of pets as it is. It is...not like I need another." Azula spoke in a frustrated voice as she gazed down at the document.

But even still.

She found herself sliding the rolled-up paper into her robes all the same.

Azula's eyes flickered to the fire lily once again with a frown pursing her usually cruel lips.

Perhaps there was merit to it to bringing her back as her pet.

Even if she has plenty of other pets.

This one would be a golden pet.

Perhaps she should claim her?

Before someone else does.

And she already knew that if she doesn't claim her.

That it would only be a matter of time before someone else did.

She had been so caught up in her musings that she didn't notice her friend in the doorway.

"Azula?" Ty Lee asked while blinking at her leader's back as Azula spun around to face her with a stoic countenance.

"What is it, Ty Lee?" Azula replied as her hands fell to her sides while her friend surveyed her curiously.

"I was just wondering if you had any plans for what you wanted to do today." Ty Lee pondered as she stood peering back at her friend.

Mai stepped up behind Ty Lee as they waited expectantly while their eyes were noticeably drawn to the fire lily upon the princess's desk.

"I have to go take care of something. I will be back shortly." Azula answered in her usual voice while they gazed at her in a puzzled manner.

The two had noticed that their leader had seemed distracted over the last day or two.

It was quite unlike Azula.

"That is a really pretty fire lily, Azula! Who gave it to you?" Ty Lee conversed as Azula stepped past them while closing the door to her study with evident annoyance in her eyes.

"No one gave it to me. I picked it myself." Azula commented curtly before promptly walking down the hall with her two friends gazing after her.

"Weird. But whatever." Mai stated in her typical gloomy tone while sighing as she followed after her more optimistic friend.

"I wonder who gave Azula that fire lily?" Ty Lee spoke while walking alongside her friend who simply shrugged in response.

"Who knows." Mai replied in an uncaring voice while Ty Lee continued to mull over the matter.

The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic)Where stories live. Discover now