The Advent of the World Emperor

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"I'll be taking my project back now, and your little friend as well." Nero stated remarked in a monstrous voice as he advanced forward while Elle shook in renewed fear.

"Princess..." Elle mumbled as she shivered while Azula pushed her behind her tall armored back.

The ruthless princess coldly stared the smiling scientist and his squad of soldiers down.

As the three noblewomen stood defensively in the blazing ruins while they never took their eyes off the approaching man.

Katsu glanced about with an unpredictable look in her eyes.

"Your little experiment lost. We won. That means that both now belong to me." Azula spoke in a victorious voice while she glared up at Nero while he just smiled back at her.

"Be careful Azula...he is stronger than he looks." Mai stated in a quiet voice with her blades in hand while her leader stoically stared the man down.

"It is difficult to find worthy test subjects in a land where infants are not born with awakened energy. Or as you call it chi. However, I devised a scientific method to awaken it with my invention." Nero announced in a vastly proud voice with his malevolent eyes gazing back at the bewildered faces of Team Azula.

"Your invention?" Zoi questioned with her golden eyes widening in revulsion while she turned to gaze back at Katsu.

Mai and Ty Lee stared on with a look of growing horror in their eyes.

The princess listened with her hardened amber golden eyes expressing little pity for the man's unfortunate test subjects.

"Y-you! You did that to Katsu!" Elle hollered with unnatural anger in her voice while the man smirked back at her.

As her friends stood glaring the sinister researcher down.

"That scar is the mark of my core implant! Once implanted it is a device that forcibly awakens the depths of one's inner potential. The only flaw is that most of my subjects do not survive the surgery." Nero declared as he stalked forward while the group listened with horrified expressions in their eyes.

It took a great deal to render the entire team of ruthless women speechless.

And it went without saying that hearing this demented man boast of twisting what they saw as a natural aspect of birth into a twisted scientific experiment managed to do just that!

Katsu stared on with her feral golden eyes almost seeming as if she was untroubled by the man's admission.

"The surgery is so intense that the weak are weeded out and only the strong survive. To date...I have only had four children survive the procedure. The agony is so great that even the strongest willed of individuals have a tendency to bite their own tongue out." Nero explained in a monstrous voice as he encircled the stunned Team Azula with a savage grin on his lips.

His heartless crimson eyes still gazed back at Elle's young horror-filled face.

Team Azula slowly but steadily recovered from their state of shock.

"Monster!" Ty Lee called out with her brown-gray eyes glaring back at the man as she watched him carefully.

"H-he's...pure evil. Just...just like Felix." Elle stammered with emotion flashing in her sensitive amber eyes while Mai also glared at Nero.

Just as Zoi took a step forward while she coldly stared back at their new enemy.

Azula turned to glance at her warrior with amber golden eyes once again expressing surprise to see the woman show fury at the mention of children facing torture.

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