Confessions of a Warrior

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The princess stood by a tree with her arms crossed over her breasts while she sighed under her breath as she waited for her handmaid to finish behind the bush.

'This girl...has become far too great of a weakness...' Azula thought while her fingertips brushed her bangs from her eyes.

"I'll be there in a moment, Mistress!" Elle cried out from the bush while Azula rolled her eyes once more.

Although she wouldn't deny that it delighted her that her girlfriend was persisting in calling her mistress.

"Of course, you will, peasant." Azula snorted with a pompous smile while she listened to the sounds of her handmaid stumbling through the brush.

Only for Elle to emerge from behind the foliage.

While her amber golden eyes observed curiously when her pet squirted a gel-like substance on her hands before she began rubbing them together.

"Is that...soap?" Azula questioned with something akin to approval in her strict voice while Elle happily nodded her head.

"Sort of. It's called hand sanitizer. It's for keeping your hands clean when soap isn't available. It kills the germs just like soap...the only downside is that it dries out your hands." Elle explained with a bashful smile before she slung her bag over her shoulder while her girlfriend smiled in satisfaction.

"Hm. Such a hygienic pet." Azula purred with her red lips curving into a charming smirk while she stepped forward to peer down at her pretty handmaid's blushing face.

"I-I am glad that you think so, Princess." Elle mumbled with her thumbs twiddling as she averted her eyes from Azula's stern gaze while the princess now loomed over her.

Only for a stern hand to cup her cheek while amber golden eyes now stared down at her while she blushed under the firebender's domineering gaze.

"Oh, my little are such a vexing little dear." Azula purred with a captivating smile while she traced a fingernail across her pet's trembling cheek.

"S-sumimasen, Azula-sama..." Elle stammered only to gulp when she her back was shoved against a tree with two strong palms steadying her shoulders.

And then she finally gained the courage to peer upward to find herself lost in confident amber golden eyes that sent a pleasurable shudder down her spine.

"Whatever am I to do with you? You are such a...peculiar thing." Azula sighed with a finger twirling in her hair while she hovered over the overwhelmed girl.

"It warms my heart to know that you find me to your liking, Princess." Elle admitted with an adorable blush overtaking her cheeks while her heart began to race when Azula's hot breath washed against her cheek.

The beating of her heart only escalated when her princess stooped over her with her full lips curving into a proud smirk.

Her body trembled while two powerful hands grasped at her shoulder blade just as the much taller woman bent down to exhale against her quivering brow.

"Hm. Do you like that? When I pin you down?" Azula cooed in an irresistible voice with her dominant amber golden eyes staring down into her handmaid's wide amber eyes.

"I-I do." Elle squeaked with an anxious gulp only for face to turn even redder when her princess leaned down to growl against her cheek.

And then her eyes grew even wider when she felt a strong palm plant in her hair while she peered up into entrancing amber golden eyes that softened for her and her alone.

"That's my girl...the only peasant for me." Azula remarked with a sigh lacing her voice just as her hand mussed her girlfriend's hair while the smaller girl cracked another one of her endearing smiles.

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