Cherries and Foot Rubs

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Elle stood in her new chamber in the servant's quarters that was situated just a short distance from her old one.

It was bigger, and that was not all.

Her simple cot was gone and in its place was a very lovely designer bed!

Her emotional eyes flickered about while turning to her new desk complete with a comfortable chair.

She now had a closet, which she was opening at this very moment with a look of astonishment in her amber eyes.

It was completely lined with only the finest of robes, lovely dresses and clothing of all kinds!

A lounge chair even sat in the corner of her room with her shopping bags and backpack resting neatly on the floor beside it.

And finally, there was even an artwork station.

Complete with a painting stand and a wide assortment of arts and crafts.

And resting upon the art stand was a lone sheet of paper with the princess's royal signature.

And at the bottom of the page the princess had even signed her name in elegant Chinese print.

Princess Azula.

A single tear of joy now streamed down her cheek as she stood gazing down at the princess's signature.

It was clear that her princess now knew about her hobby painting her royal image.

But she didn't care.

Because she was Azula-sama's girl now.

"She...likes me...Azula-sama...truly likes me." Elle murmured before falling onto her new bed with an overjoyed smile.

She has never been this happy!

Never, not even close.

Many hours later.

Elle walked with a large bowl of cherries in hand now wearing fine red robes along with her golden bow around her neckline.

She strode before coming to a stop before the royal spa.

She timidly rapped on the door before she heard the woman's loud, yet silken voice as she called out to her.

"Come in, Elle, and close the door behind you." Azula called out from where she sat in a chair with her palms folded in her lap.

Her controlling eyes watched as the girl opened the spa door all the while glancing at her clock in approval.

Twenty minutes early.

"Such a punctual girl. Oh, don't be so timid. It's not like I am going to eat you." Azula taunted with her hair hanging freely behind her.

As she watched the blushing girl meekly step in while she closed the door behind her.

Elle peered at Azula seated in her chair wearing elegant red robes with a golden trim, with a red sash wrapped around her lovely waistline.

And her dark hair flowing freely with a glistening gleam making it clear just how well cared for the princess's hair truly was.

"Y-yes, Azula-sama. As you say...always as Her Highness orders." Elle answered bashfully as she padded closer as Azula sighed while she observed her closely.

" do you like your new arrangements?" Azula pondered while glanced down at the girl with pleased eyes when she dropped into a bow before her bare feet.

The bowl of cherries was placed directly before her hand while she reached down with a smile before popping one in her mouth.

'This girl is just the best pet.' Azula thought while smiling down at her adorable handmaid when the girl leaned down to hug her knee.

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