Gifts for the Team

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Ty Lee stood beside Elle while she watched over her in a protective manner.

She stared on in amusement while she observed as Elle chatted with the owner of a stall in the royal market.

She was now beginning to see just what Azula had meant by giving away the entire bag of gold.

"Huh? So that's...this, much ban, right?" Elle inquired innocently while the vendor gazed down at the offering with his eyes nearly falling out of their sockets.

"Y-yeah. That much ban!" The vendor exclaimed just when the girl dropped a handful of gold coins upon the countertop.

And before he could greedily scoop them up his hand was swatted away by none other than Ty Lee.

"Um no. It's...this much." Ty Lee spoke with a cheerful smile just as she handed the now deflated man two coins.

All the while practically daring him to argue with her.

"Oh yes! Pardon me. My mistake." The vendor answered as he gave the noblewoman a bow.

As Ty Lee gazed at the man while she nearly rolled her eyes before she led the young girl away underneath her arm.

"Thank you for helping me, oneesan." Elle spoke timidly while she happily hid beneath Ty Lee's arm snuggling into her even as they walked.

Ty Lee just grinned warmly down at her before mussing her hair with a strong yet playful hand.

She was beginning to see that the adorable girl made for a delightful shopping companion.

So delightful that she just could not resist buying everything that her adoptive sister wanted. Only relenting when the girl politely requested that she allow her to make the next purchase.

She did not even really mind Elle's habit of clinging to her side.

To be honest she rather enjoyed it!

"What can I say? You are too cute for me to say no!" Ty Lee gushed with a cheerful smile while Elle blushed sweetly just as they made their way to their next destination.

"W-well I am glad that you think so. I would like to buy Azula-sama a gift. What sort of gift would please her?" Elle pondered with a finger beneath her chin while she peered up at Ty Lee's now comically hesitant face.

"Oh, well...let's, see? You know she is extremely difficult to please. Chances are anything you'd think to buy...she already has." Ty Lee explained with a sigh while the petite blonde followed after her.

"Well, I already figured that. Is there something creative I can make for her?" Elle requested while chewing on her lip in a thoughtful manner.

"Elle...don't you already write Azula poetry, and craft her paintings too?" Ty Lee questioned fondly while she watched Elle glance around searching for something that escaped her.

"Yep! But I want to give her something else. I am just a peasant girl, and she is a princess. I want to show her that I am grateful for all that she does for me." Elle insisted with a bright smile while Ty Lee gazed down at her unable to resist a growing smile of her own.

Elle was just about the only girl that would scamper about worrying about how to express gratitude to Azula of all people.

It just goes to show how close the two were becoming.

"Well! Then creative is the way to go and you are very creative. I am certain that she will like whatever you make her." Ty Lee assured with a giggle while Elle began to scurry over to a jewelry shop.

Truth be told she wasn't truly certain that Azula would like whatever innocent offering Elle made for her.

But she would be damn sure that the princess at least acted like she did.

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