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The light from the overhead lamp blinded her eyes.

And the operating table had a distinct metallic chill against her skin.

Men and women adorned in hospital uniform stood above her with surgical masks covering their faces.

She tried with every fiber of her being to move, but it was futile.

Her had been numbed.

All she could do was lay there in her hospital robes with her brown eyes gazing helplessly up at the team of researchers as they prepared a second injection.

Just as she locked eyes with him.

The head researcher.

And his eyes...they were an aberrant shade of red.

And his was a ghostly white.

And in contrast to the stoic demeanor of his fellow researchers that surrounded him.

He seemed...almost overjoyed.

"This is going to hurt. Try not to bite your tongue out." Nero announced in a sadistic voice as his lips pulled into a cruel smile from beneath his medical mask.

He gazed into the nameless girl's widening brown eyes as he leaned down to begin.

And the prodigy found herself unable to say so much as one word as she lay there immobile on the table watching the researchers stoop down over her.

And then she felt agony beyond her wildest dreams.

And soon after that she faded into unconsciousness.

Most of the other children didn't make it through the procedure.

But she survived the surgery for her core implant, a device that served to artificially awaken one's inner potential.

At some point along the way.

She discovered that the cameras shut down for one whole hour on the twenty-fourth hour of every day for system maintenance.

And ever since that day she trained to hone her greatest power outside of the supervision of her captors.

All in preparation of her eventual escape.

And this technique....

She decided to name it Diminished Earth.

Back in the control room.

Senator Greely stood beside his aide Cynthia while he gazed down at the video feed that showed all of the prisoners being taken to the solitary observation tanks.

His brown eyes were rife with anxiety as he turned to cast a glare at Reynold's hardened face while the large man met his gaze.

"It took three platoons to detain her. But I got her. That and so much more." Reynolds stated with great satisfaction dripping from his voice while he smirked with his arms folded over his chest.

Cynthia stood silent with her blue eyes trying to hide her feelings of displeasure as she turned to gaze away from the video feed.

As the senator still wore a less than happy expression on his face.

"This is all your fault, Reynolds! You were the one who let her escape in the first place!" Greely exclaimed as he threw his arms over his head while Reynolds coldly glared back at him.

"Calm yourself, Greely. Number One is subdued. And I would strongly advise you to watch how you speak to me." Reynolds replied in a frigid voice while he glared down into the shorter man's recoiling eyes.

The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic)Where stories live. Discover now