Shopping With The Princess

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When the two noblewomen finally caught up to Azula.

They were unnerved to find her guiding the innocent girl through a shop full of deadly weaponry.

"Azula, why in Agni's name did you bring Elle here?" Ty Lee asked with discomfort in her voice.

"For two reasons, Ty Lee. One, to show off my power in the bending arena, and two, my pet needs a weapon." Azula explained to Ty Lee's horror while she continued to lead the girl by a large array of lethal swords.

"But she is a pacifist." Mai stated in deadpan only for Azula to wave her objection off with a roll of her eyes.

"Nonsense. I will find something that suits her." Azula remarked while the girl peered up at her clearly intimidated by the massive weapon store.

"I-I'm scared of these weapons, Azula-sama." Elle admitted while Azula came to a stop before a wide selection of swords.

"That is only because you have not been taught how to wield one. I could teach you if you like." Azula informed to the rising horror of her subordinates.

" are scaring the girl. She doesn't want to be in a weapon store." Mai attempted to reason once more in a sterner voice.

"C-could you teach me about mathematics, science and history instead?" Elle requested in a mousy voice as if afraid that she would disappoint her mistress.

"Of course! I can teach you all of that and more. I have taken a romantic interest in you. There is nothing that I can't or won't teach you." Azula announced as an expression of delight came over the girl's face.

The direct statement came across as a shock to even Ty Lee.

"Y-you have? Me? Y-you are interested in me?" Elle stuttered as she felt her heart skip a beat while Azula snorted derisively.

"I would have thought that would have been obvious by now. I am your princess charming. Am I not?" Azula scoffed while folding her arms over her chest as if attempting to loom over the girl even more than she already does.

She has come to enjoy the girl's small size.

Petite yet still oh so lovely.

"Y-yes! You are my princess charming!" Elle squealed while grasping at the woman's belly while the princess smirked in gratification.

"Of course, I am. There is no princess as powerful as me. It is becoming clear to me that I am the prime romantic candidate for you. And I feel as if you may well fit me." Azula commented while holding an elegant hand to her chin as she smiled down at the joyous girl.

"Since when is Azula the 'prime romantic candidate' for anyone?" Mai asked openly while never caring if her leader overheard her.

"She seems to think that she needs to flaunt her power before Elle. She thinks that because Elle is sweet and delicate that only the most powerful will suit her." Ty Lee explained while smiling awkwardly when Mai scrunched up her nose in puzzlement.

She really can't blame Mai.

It really didn't make any sense.

"I-I am so excited! I really want to get to know you further, Princess. Please give this loyal servant a chance to please you." Elle pleaded while tugging on Azula's robes while she gazed down at her pleased by her words.

"As I would like to get to know you. Now, there is much for us to do and more. But I really don't approve of your pacifism. I strongly believe that you should carry at least a small dagger." Azula spoke while gesturing about the shop with cold amber golden eyes.

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