Sisters and Secrets

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At Terak's estate.

A roar of rage split into the air of Terak's home in unison with the sound of ceramic shattering on the floor.

As an overturned table now rested on its side with numerous broken bottles of wine now spilling into a pool across the floor.

The once chancellor now stood trembling in rage with his fists clenched at his hips.

All while what little fire he was capable of producing burned from his fingertips as he ground his enraged teeth together.

"Foolhardy General Meram! Savage General Bujing! Barbaric Fire Lord Ozai! Damn them every last one of them! They have some nerve to treat me like that!" Terak roared in a seething voice as he threw a bowl on the floor that shattered at his feet.

His golden eyes continued to boil over in fury like he had never felt before.

"Am I the only one here with a functioning brain!? Do these fools not realize what they have done!" Terak screamed as he rasped for air with his eyes glaring down at the floor.

And just as he moved to throw another object across the room.

He froze up in mid step when he caught the gleam of the crest of the Song clan on his chest.

'That's right...I still have the Song clan!' The former chancellor thought with his sharp golden eyes gazing on ahead as he fought to regain his composure.

"Calm yourself Terak. You are smarter than them." Terak stated in a low voice as he forced himself to take a calming breath of air.

His lips began to curve back into a conniving smile as he let out a contemplative hum.

And he also had Princess Azula as well.

He just had to have patience.

In time, each and every one of them would regret looking down upon him.

Meanwhile in Azula's private study.

Due to the princess's growing paranoia that her movements were being closely watched by her father and traitors at court.

She had the walls of both her private study and her personal royal chambers sound proofed.

Which was precisely why she had chosen it as their location to regroup after the summit.

Azula now sat in her personal throne still wearing her royal armor with her legs elegantly crossed.

She glared down at the floor with callous amber golden eyes in contemplation.

Before she turned to gaze at the faces of her two subordinates.

Zoi was leaning against the wall with arms crossed over her chest gazing stonily down at the floor.

Yet there was a clear gleam of a troubled expression in her golden eyes.

And Ty Lee sat in a chair with her kindly brown-gray eyes still recovering from what she had just been told.

The first being that Ozai was now aware of Elle's power.

Which she had already figured when she felt the girl's aura increase all the way from the other side of the palace.

And the second...being that Nako had created a stunning new communications invention.

Under normal circumstances that would be the topic of greatest interest to her.

She would have never thought that the skittish girl that saved Azula's life back on Shantu Island would also be capable of building something so ingenious!

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