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An hour later.

At the castle of the Song clan.

Soldiers of the Royal Procession and the agents of the Dai Li waited in the halls of the castle on the ready to be summoned by their princess if need be.

Meanwhile, in a small room in the servant's quarters.

Elle sat gazing up at Azula while her mistress hovered over her with a sigh escaping her lips.

"You are to remain under Nako's supervision until I am concluded with business here." Azula announced in an authoritative voice as she reached out to cup her smiling handmaid's cheek.

"Yes, Mistress Azula." Elle agreed in a worshipful voice while Azula peered down at her with a charming smile on her red lips.

"And don't go wandering off the castle grounds." Azula commented as she twirled a fingernail in her hair while she held onto her young girlfriend's lovely cheek.

"As you say, Azula-sama. Always as you say." Elle spoke sweetly as she pushed her face into the older woman's robed belly while her mistress sighed above her.

"Just...be a good girl for me." Azula sighed with her palms lowering into her servant's hair while she momentarily cradled Elle's head against her belly.

"A-Azula-sama." Elle murmured in an adorable stutter with her eyes closing against Azula's belly while the much taller woman petted her hair.

"That's my little lady." Azula stated with another sigh while she patted her giggling serving girl's golden head.

Elle just smiled with her face against the princess's stomach while long fingernails continued to pat her hair.

"P-please don't let anything bad happen to Mai." Elle muttered with her face in the older woman's toned stomach.

Azula just released a snide snort while she turned to glare at the nearest wall.

"I already told you that Mai isn't going to die. I am well aware that there would be no end to your tears if I let that happen." Azula grumbled with a roll of her elegant eyes while she gazed down at her handmaid's softly smiling face.

"Wakarimashita, Azula-sama." Elle replied with a returning grin on her lips while she blushed when she received another pat to the head.

"That will be all for now, peasant. I will see you when we are finished with Governor Yoko." Azula concluded with a sigh before she pushed her pouting handmaid away.

But even so.

Elle happily nodded while the callous princess gazed down at her with strict amber golden eyes.

And with that the princess exited the room and joined back up with her two childhood friends.

The princess gazed hard at their worried faces with icy amber golden eyes as they began to make their way into the castle meeting chamber.

"Do exactly as I say and keep your mouths shut unless spoken to. And above all. Try to look just a wee bit remorseful. That is...if you want to live." Azula ordered with her arms crossed over her breasts while Ty Lee flinched as she gazed at Mai's apathetic face.

"Got it, Azula." Mai answered in an unusually wary voice as they strode down the hall of the vast castle.

At the end of the hall stood Zoi leaning against the castle wall.

Gone was her armor and weaponry.

She now stood in a red long-sleeved shirt with black dress pants, and a red tie round her neck while she turned to meet Azula's almost amused gaze.

The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic)Where stories live. Discover now