Memories Within

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At Boiling Rock.

Suki sat glaring up at the chancellor that now loomed over her.

"Suki...I will get straight to the point." Terak spoke in a crafty voice just as the chained woman lashed out at him.

Only to sink back against the wall with her tormented eyes glaring up at him.

"I don't care what you have to say. I'm not talking to you! So, get out!" Suki exclaimed with hatred lacing her voice while Terak sighed as he shook his head.

"Tsk. Tsk. So presumptive! What if I told you that I could get you and your comrades out of here?" Terak asked in a gratified voice as he knelt down to gaze the demoralized woman into her distrusting blue eyes.

"Do I look stupid to you? Fire Nation scum. I know that you are only trying to toy with my hopes for your own sadistic pleasure." Suki snapped as she sunk back in her chains with her unusually spiritless eyes gazing on ahead.

How could one not be miserable after six years of this...torment.

Locked away in a cold, dark cell away from...

Away from...

Just thinking about Sokka started to bring wetness to her eyes once more as she turned away to pridefully avert her gaze from the chancellor's searching golden eyes.

"Toy? I don't toy. I am not like the others, Suki. I am an advocate for peace between our warring nations. But sadly...I do not have the strength to overthrow the Fire Lord, and Princess Azula. So alas. We must make do with our circumstances. No?" Terak declared as he gazed around the cell while Suki let out a disbelieving scoff.

"If you're an advocate for peace then what are you doing serving the Fire Lord? Why haven't you joined the Avatar?" Suki demanded in a parched voice while Terak let out a heavy sigh.

"As I told you. We must make the most of what we have. Why join the Avatar and openly announce my treasonous intent when I can plot against the Crown in the shadows?" Terak quipped in a quick-witted voice as he glanced back down at the prisoner's exhausted face.

"Even if you speak the truth. And I am damn certain that you don't. Why should I trust you?" Suki retorted in a voice of great loathing while the robed man turned to smile down at her.

"What choice do you have? Would you prefer to rot here until your hair turns gray? Withering away in chains?" Terak questioned in a charismatic voice while Suki shook in her chains as she turned away once more.

"I don't need your 'help'. The Avatar and my friends will save me...I know they will. He'll...h-he'll come." Suki insisted with water stinging her eyes once more while Terak smiled down at her turned back.

"You speak of Sokka? Oh, I take it that you haven't heard..." Terak commented in a manipulative voice as Suki's posture tensed as soon as he mentioned the warrior's name.

And despite the warrior's best efforts.

She couldn't fight down the sense of concern for the man that she loved.

Even still after all this time she loved Sokka.

"What do you mean!? Explain yourself. Was...he hurt?" Suki blurted out in a worried voice while the chancellor sigh as he shook his head.

"Hurt? No. Not hurt. Alive and well. And married to another woman. To a Fire Nation rebel." Terak confessed in a cruel voice with his hands folded under his robed sleeves while he watched the hope shatter in Suki's widening eyes.

'Married? He married...another woman, and left me here? No! He's lying! He has to be. Sokka wouldn't do that to me!' Suki thought as she madly shook her head with new tears pouring from her exhausted eyes while she slumped against the cold wall of her cell.

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