Starvation and Illness

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Team Azula sat around an early morning fire with their gaze focused solely on their young friend.

Elle sat stubbornly with her back turned to Azula.

Azula clenched her teeth as she demonstrated a rare show of concern for another person's wellbeing when she nudged the smaller girl's back.

The concern was more than shared by the two noblewomen as they watched their young friend in growing worry while the younger girl's belly continued to growl much louder than the day before.

"Eat, peasant!" Azula bellowed over the otherwise calm morning air while she sat looming over her petite pet's back.

" can't force her to eat it if she doesn't want to eat it." Mai advised in a nervous voice while Ty Lee stared down at their food in rising discomfort.

It was hard to work up much of an appetite when they knew that their little sister was beginning to starve.

"No!" Elle shouted with a frown while she turned away only for Azula to hiss over her shoulder.

"This is stupid, Elle! Just eat the damn meat!" Azula roared with a snort of blue fire escaping her nostrils just as she prodded her girlfriend's back in a manner akin to a mother would press her child to finish her dinner.

"A-Azula please don't be so mean to, Elle." Ty Lee attempted to reason with a sigh while she watched Elle duck her head in revulsion when Azula hung the cooked meat before her face.

"And I said no! Get that disgusting flesh away from my face! I will not eat it! You're lucky that I even cook it for you!" Elle called out with her nose scrunching up in disgust while she turned away from her highborn friends taken aback gazes.

It was readily apparent to both Mai and Ty Lee that it would be impossible to convince Elle to eat the armadillo bear meat of her own free will.

Well...whatever was left of it anyhow.

"I had the soldiers scour the forest for three hours this morning and they didn't find a single fruit! You'll eat it to stay alive until we can find you something more suitable!" Azula growled with a scowl on her regal features while she forcefully pulled her squirming serving girl in.

"No! I don't kill other lifeforms to stay alive! I survive only through peaceful means!" Elle protested in a distraught voice while Azula's strong arms began to restrain her.

While her big sisters stared at the irate princess in obvious disapproval.

"Azula! You cannot just hold her down like she is a dog for you to discipline!" Mai exclaimed in a frustrated groan while the girl began futilely wriggling in her princess's arms.

"I damn well do as I please! I am the master here, Mai! Not you! Damn it, Elle! The wretched armadillo bear is already dead! Eat!" Azula hissed with her muscular arms forcibly holding her panicking handmaid against her breasts.

"N-no! I don't subside off the suffering of other lifeforms! N-no!" Elle cried out when a piece of meat was shoved between her repulsed lips.

Only for Azula to roar in aggravation not a moment later when it was spit out onto the forest floor.

"Elle!" Azula snapped while her amber golden eyes shook in aggravation when the squirming girl finally wormed her way out of her grip.

"There are limits to even your authority, Azula. You can't make her chew something that she doesn't want to eat." Ty Lee stated with a concerned frown gracing her lips while her spoiled friend glared back at her.

"G-gross! How dare you do that to me!" Elle yelped in an offended voice with anger in her amber eyes while Azula rolled her eyes down at her.

"Please! All I did was try to get you to eat." Azula snarled with a finger thrusting in her handmaid's adorably angered face.

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