The Fire Lord

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The following day in the Fire Nation Royal Palace.

The princess glanced out of the corner of her callous amber golden eye as she watched her handmaid set down her breakfast tray on her table.

Only to let out a sigh under her breath when she took in her girlfriend's still unusually downcast face.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Azula asked with just a sliver of concern in her stern voice when her handmaiden shook her head.

"No. I'm not really hungry." Elle answered in a timid voice as she stood faithfully beside her mistress's throne while the older woman grasped a hold of her chop sticks.

As she heard the princess sigh in frustration once more.

Only for a trace of her usual cheer to return when the older woman gestured to her booted feet.

"What are you waiting for, girl? Sit." Azula commanded in a tone of casual dominance with one hand on her thigh while she began to gracefully eat her morning meal.

She stared down in satisfaction to see the girl obediently seating herself at her boots.

"Y-yes, Princess." Elle mumbled in a mousy voice as she felt a strong hand lower into her hair while the older woman started to pet her head.

Only to find herself falling forward on her knees into the older woman's thigh while she listened to her mistress elegantly eat her meal above her.

"What shall I ever do with you, peasant..." Azula remarked as she began to chew her breakfast while she glanced down at the lovely girl hiding in her leg.

Her palm remained in the girl's hair as she absentmindedly petted her handmaid's little head.

"A-anything that you want, Azula-sama. I submit to you." Elle whined as she rested her head on the older woman's thigh while she slowly began to smile once more.

Only to find herself letting out a squeak when her princess seized a hold of her neck accessory in her domineering hand.

Her cheeks turned a shade of red as she sat with her face pressing into the older woman's thigh.

While her heart raced wildly as heard her princess elegantly swallow down a mouthful of her breakfast.

As she flushed with the older woman's hand still grasping onto her collar.

"Hm. That's what I like to hear. Now...I don't want you to worry your little mind over Mai. You'll see her again...after she has served a satisfactory punishment in the eyes of the royal court." Azula commented as she stared down at the girl with controlling amber golden eyes.

Her gaze flickered with disapproval over the girl's glum disposition.

Only for her callous eyes to flash with aggravation when she noticed the girl's smile already start to wane with the mere mention of her treasonous friend's name.

"O-okay, Princess." Elle stammered in a meek voice as she gazed down at the floor while she listened to her princess sigh over her.

And so, the princess soon finished her breakfast.

And shortly afterward she dismissed her serving girl to take her dishes to the palace kitchens.

Azula now turned to gaze at Ty Lee as her friend sat in a chair on the other side of her study.

"Today, I have a paramount war meeting with Father, and the nation's most important military, and civilian advisers. Even Governor Yoko will be in attendance. I want you to watch over Elle until I am finished." Azula spoke in a smooth voice while the noblewoman nodded her head.

The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic)Where stories live. Discover now