Breakfast with the Team

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The following morning.

Team Azula sat at a breakfast table while the other two noblewomen took note of their friends strangely annoyed mood.

Azula was always annoyed about something.

Her annoyance was usually accompanied by a dangerously cold aura that terrified everyone around her.

Even them.

Except right now...Azula almost seemed calmer than usual.

Almost as if...her annoyance was something more...mundane that didn't involve taking over the world.

"So, did your night with Elle go?" Ty Lee asked with a small smile on her lips while Azula took a sip of her hot tea.

Only to grunt in mild irritation a moment later.

"Ugh. Terrible. I had to put up with that girl clinging to me for twelve hours!" Azula complained in a spoiled voice as she scowled back at her two amused friends.

"Twelve hours? That's quite the snuggle!" Ty Lee quipped in a cheery voice that prompted the princess to turn and glare her way.

"Of course, the only reason I even put up with her weakness is to preserve her wartime use." Azula remarked in a haughty voice as she drank her tea while her friends exchanged a deadpan glance.

"Of course." Mai stated with barely suppressed amusement in her monotone voice.

"She is a pesky little peasant. I am considering destroying her." Azula spoke in a frigid voice as she paid her friends amused faces no mind.

"Don't do that, Azula! She's too cute to destroy." Ty Lee exclaimed with a giggle while Azula glared at her through the corner of her eye.

"Azula, is that a new friendship bracelet on your wrist?" Mai questioned in a taunting voice while the princess swiftly pulled up her sleeve with a callous snarl now adorning her features.

"I strongly caution you to watch your mouth, Mai. You will be departing for prison upon our return to Hari Bulkan. Test my temper and I just might make it a family package." Azula declared in a cruel voice while the other woman sank back with renewed displeasure in her eyes.

Ty Lee shivered as she gazed between her two friends but she knew better than to protest the matter any further.

Especially not when Azula was already being lenient with Mai.

"Are...are we going straight back after this?" Ty Lee asked in an attempt to change the subject while the princess scowled.

"No. Tomorrow we leave for the Forgetful Valley to find this peasant sage to see if she can shed some light on the tiger monkey's power. After that we'll part ways with, Mai." Azula explained in a businesslike voice while the two noblewomen gazed at her in surprise to hear that they were seeking out the sage.

" really a good time to be looking into this, Azula? She's having a lot of health problems. Can't...we just leave it be for now?" Ty Lee attempted to reason while Azula's scowl deepened as she turned to glare at her.

"Tell me, Ty Lee. If using this power for a short period of time makes the girl black out. Then how do we know that her power won't randomly activate again. Only this time with more devastating effects." Azula retorted as her two friends grimaced as they exchanged a knowing look.

"You...make a good point." Ty Lee muttered in a worried voice while the princess sipped her tea.

"An unknown factor is an unknown risk. And my brilliant mind has concluded that Elle's health will be better off if she is in control of her power." Azula spoke in a strict voice as she grasped her tea cup while Ty Lee finally began to smile once more.

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