The Pursuit of Chaos

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"You should be able to find your belongings in the storage rooms well as a supply of emergency winter clothing. I suggest all of you bundle up for arctic weather and escape back to that gateway as quickly as you can." Cynthia advised in a businesslike voice while the team nodded their heads as they followed along behind her.

"What about you?" Elle asked in a soft voice from where she stood beside her friends while Azula gazed back at the woman with cold amber golden eyes.

"This is as far as I can go with you. I cannot risk my treason being discovered. Reinforcements will arrive and when they do you will all be overwhelmed." Cynthia stated in a factual voice while the highborn women listened with wary looks in their eyes.

"I suppose we'll just have to see about that. Thus far I am unimpressed with the combat prowess of your people." Azula spoke in a haughty voice with a wave of her hand while her childhood friends sighed heavily behind her.

"You don't understand. Reynolds only had a few meager squads at his disposal. When they come here, they won't bring just foot soldiers. They'll bring tanks and heavy artillery aircraft, a literal army. I don't care how strong your powers are. You'll get wiped out." Cynthia replied in a dead serious voice while Elle listened with rising anxiety in her sensitive amber eyes.

Mai and Ty Lee exchanged an unnerved look over the thought of finding themselves back in that gas chamber.

And this time there won't be anyone there to save them!

The two firebenders stared ahead with proud looks in their eyes that conveyed their refusal to openly admit that the other woman was right.

"W-we need to hurry, minasan. I almost lost all of you. I can't bear for that to happen a second time..." Elle stammered with an emotional expression in her eyes while her companions gazed at her in an appreciative silence.

"That isn't going to happen, Elle." Ty Lee assured in a tender voice as she placed a comforting hand on Elle's shoulder while the girl relaxed under her touch.

Mai adorned her usual scowl as she quietly nodded her head in agreement.

"Where is the gateway in proximity to this fortress?" Azula questioned in a rigid voice with her amber golden eyes staring hard back at the woman's nervous face.

"It is approximately four miles north in the ice caverns. That's about all I can tell you. I haven't been there in person myself. But this map should help you find your way." Cynthia answered as she handed the princess a folded map while the team exchanged looks with one another.

"Understood. We can figure out the rest from here." Zoi commented in a stoic voice as she nodded her head.

She gazed at the woman with composed golden eyes.

"So be it. Do as you must. I have no further use for you anyhow." Azula remarked in a callous voice as she pocketed the map while Cynthia curtly nodded her head in understanding.

"I guess that's it then. Good luck to you all." Cynthia concluded while the Fire Nation women momentarily gazed back at her before she turned to walk away.

"Wait. You never told us your name..." Elle trailed off as she gazed after the woman with kind amber eyes while Azula rolled her eyes over her.

Before the woman paused in her step as she turned to glance back at her with a slight smile on her lips.

"It's Cynthia." Cynthia responded with something akin to remorse in her voice while the young girl smiled back at her.

The four older girls stared on with mild interest in their eyes to finally learn the name of their mysterious ally.

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