Devils, Chaos and Suffering

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Elle panted as she ran as fast as she could in hopes of making it to her house to find her father and brother.

Only to freeze in her tracks with her wide teary amber eyes staring ahead to find armed soldiers had blocked the street off.

The child stepped back with her little mouth agape in naivety only to find herself trembling in trauma while she watched soldiers begin to advance on her.

She cowered with tears dripping down her cheeks while her terrified eyes now gazed back at the man who attacked her mother.

As Strados walked forward with his torn coat slung over his shoulder.

His pitiless blue eyes stared down at her trembling form just as he came to a stop looming over her.

"Your mother won't be coming back for you. I killed her." Strados announced in a heartless voice with a cigarette burning between his lips while Elle's innocent eyes watered after hearing his words.

"W-what. D-dead? T-that can't be-" Elle stammered in a broken voice only to find herself dropping to her knees when a powerful fist slammed into her stomach.

The little girl slumped into the dirt with saliva dripping out of her open mouth while tears still stained her traumatized cheeks.

Team Azula seethed in rage while they watched a soldier carelessly drag the unconscious girl away.

Strados took another drag of his cigarette while he gazed on with terrifyingly detached blue eyes.

His gaze was that of someone with no remorse or sympathy for the survivors that were crying out in terror across the settlement.

And soon enough a gruesome scene began to unfold across the smoking horizon.

Armed military vehicles sat outside of the village.

While military officials watched from their positions with detached looks in their eyes as the survivors were now being led in a rank and file march.

And in the distance, there was a massive tent.

And to the horror of Team Azula little Elle was now being shoved into the ominous line.

The child gazed on with her traumatized eyes still not understanding what was going on.

A man stood at the front of the line as he called ascertained the value of each prisoner with a peculiar handheld scanning device.

"C-can someone tell me where my parents are? W-where is my family?" Elle sputtered out in a heartbroken voice with her wet eyes gazing ahead in fear as she padded to a stop at the front of the line.

Not one person answered the young child's sorrowful query.

The prisoners could only stare on with despairing eyes as their fates were callously decided by their captors.

Just as little Elle whimpered as she gazed up at a stocky man who glanced down at her for a passing moment only for the device to let out a dull beep.

Just before he spoke savage words that tore into the hearts of Team Azula.

"Worthless. Take her to liquidation!" The officer exclaimed in a dismissive voice while the little girl stared up at him with her wet amber eyes unable to process his words.

The four highborn women watched with a sickening feeling in their stomachs when their friend's younger self was seized by a soldier once more.

Azula continued to gaze on with her crimson lips ajar in a rare emotion that she could not place.

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